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Teddy has been limping the last 2 days, however yesterday when his Aunt Nora took him for a walk his Aunt Kim noticed he wasn't limping at all and was really quite frisky: BUSTED. That little devil has been faking it for sympathy. I do thing the cold weather has bothered him some and a couple of times he almost fell of the bed. He has me wrapped around his paw, but that is fine with me. Whenever he wants somrthing he just sits down in front of me and stares at me. Depending on the time of day he either wants to be fed or he wants to go for a walk, and he is very persistent. He doesn't budge until he gets his way.

Today it is suppose to warm up a little (into the 40's), so hopefully Iwill be able to walk Teddy myself this afternoon.


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Teddy seems to follow suit with your observation from your last blog. Now all he needs to do is learn to feign ignorance when given a command and he has the gender mastered. Welcome to our world.


Best wishes for a great 2008.



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Teddy could be faking it, but at his age, arthritis may be setting in. Baby aspirin would help him if that is the case.


Wishing you both a Happy New Year.




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Actually buffered aspirin is recommended for dogs, they sell a flavored aspirin at Pet's Smart, but the buffered aspirin in the local pharmacy or Wal Mart is less expensive. Also they have "pet steps"and ramps for little guys to get up and down from a bed or couch. Jumping could aggrivate arthritis or he could land wrong and sprain or make his foot or hip sore.I saw some in Target around 20.00 pet store steps are a little more expensive. Dr's Foster and Smith is on line, my dauaghter got us a set for Christmas.. it has take a little coaxing.. and teacching them to use the steps.but at 10 and a little over weight it might be something you want to look into.


Just type pet stairs into your browser. I found quite a few sites.. some have less expensive stairs and free shipping.

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