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Survivor Guilt



Yesterday we attended a conference where Joey goes to rehab. The objective was to assess the prgress he's made since admission and set goals for his recovery including a discharge date. The staff thought sometime in April and he suggested April 22 which is his birthday. So that's the target date.


He's made amazing progress. It's a miracle that he's here and no one expected he'd be doing this well so soon. And since he is doing so well everyone is interested to see just how far he can go. He came out of that conference really motivated.


When we got home, Joey got a phone call from a friend. Two of his friends, Amber and Jacque, were in a car accident. Amber is in the hospital, Jacque died at the scene. He is devastated at the loss of his friend. He said, "Why would I live and Jacque died?"


I have similar feelings but nothing so intense. In my sobriety I've often wondered why people who seemed to want to be sober so much more than I did are still suffering in addiction and I, who thought I could never live without drugs and alcohol, have been given the gift of sobriety. I don't know how to answer questions like that. But it does make my sobriety even more precious to me.


Joey was feeling everything more intensely last night. He hasn't slept well, and I can hear him talking in his sleep as I write this. I don't know how to answer his questions or relieve his guilt. He did everything wrong the night of his accident and survived. The accident that killed Jacque was not her fault. She'd done nothing wrong and she died. He's glad he's here but so sad that Jacque is gone. It's just hit him so close to home.


He'll get through it though. He's a survivor.


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I myself struggled with that question, though bad things do happen to good people book answers some of those questions pretyt well, in my initial months I believed the I survived for a reason & I still have a purose to fulfill.






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We each have our destiny and purpose in life. Since I was a child, I was taught I'm not to question Him and what happens. It is hard. We are survivors for a reason - we may not yet know that reason or fully understand the reason, but we've been blessed with another chance. So sorry to hear about Joey's friends. Hopefully, Amber will recover.


Joey IS making great strides in his recovery as you are in yours (though from different reasons). Is Joey receiving any counseling right now? He might benefit from counseling just as you benefit from having your sponsor.

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Yes, Lorrie, we all struggle with some sort of survivor guilt. Remembering back to when my kids were little and ill and praying to God: "Heal them, give it to me instead." I guess the direction of our lives is never clear cut, never predictable, that way we always feel that little bit out of control. Which is good for us control freaks.


Glad to hear Joey is so determined to come through all of this and you are too. I admire you for the battle you are putting up to save yourself and him from all addictions, to re-introduce purpose and value into both your lives. Bravo! Sobriety mind you brings it's own problems, you see things painfully clearly sometimes.


So sorry to hear about Joey's friends, we live in a culture that sometimes encourages kids to live fast, die young. That leaves a lot of people mourning those young lives, Joey and his friends among them. Who knows why he survived and his friend didn't? Knowledge like that is not given to us mere mortals. I'll echo the others and say there is still a purpose to fulfill.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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i just started reading your blog and i feel i've gotten to know you as a very strong woman who has been thru so much. i admire your strength and determination. i am sure that joey will get stronger with you're support! you are a positive role model to many of us here!

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it was great to hear that joey is progressing so well and a target date has been set. i am sorry to learn of the accident of your friends. i know each of us searches for the answer to the questions you posed in your blog. i think the answer is there is no answer. whether it is through the daily living of life or because we have survived an encounter with a life changing event or disease we are given the opportunity to find and define our purpose. we also have choice in how we respond to life's challenges. joey and you are examples of strength and the desire of the human spirit to survive and grow despite circumstances. i wish you both continued progress and strength in 2008. kathy

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