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No news means good news :)



Hello everyone,

I really have been checking the boards more and reading the newsletters (which I enjoy very much by the way), I am just now finding time to actually sit and type a full blog entry! Well I guess I should start by saying I made the Chancellor's list with a perfect 4.0 for the completion of my first semester of college! :cheer: I am so ready to finish up my freshmen year but I will be taking a whopping 17 credits so I know it will be a challenge.

I hope everyones' holidays were great. Mine was okay. It really didnt feel much like Christmas anymore since I am older now. I got a flash drive for my computer, clothes, and shower stuff. That's about it. I did find out I have a niece though! I now have 2 nephews and a niece. I don't like babies though so I never babysit them! lol

I cut my hair a couple of weeks ago. The baclofen along with this cold weather was really drying my hair out and my ends were so damaged, I got a couple inches cut. Atfirst I did not like it because my hair used to be down my back and now it is barely passed my ears but it is easier to manage using one hand and it's healthy, so I am getting used to it.

I have been doing a lot of shopping lately. I ordered the lids off, side cutter fork, one handed cutting board, and 3 panholders from sammonspreston.com. The lids off is my favorite. This morning my dad was gone and I had to refill my medicine case but the pharmacy bottles are always hard for me to unscrew since i cant push down and turn. I simply put the bottle in the lids off and the top came right off! I called my dad and he was so proud of me!

The medical review board for drivers notified me yesterday that they are now reviewing my case and I am waiting to find out of my insurance will approve of the botox so everyone keep me in your prayers!

Also I came on tv 3 Thursdays in a row! Many more people are finding out about my story and I posted excerpts from my memoir on facebook. I love the reactions I get from my peers when they find out about what I've gone through. I am glad I finally get good attention instead of negative attention!

Well sorry this is so long. I guess I will close this now. I have to go look for something to cook for dinner! :D


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Congratulations dear on making the Chancellor's List with a 4.0 - I had no doubt you would.


I always look forward to your updates "Auntie Katrina" - I don't get asked to babysit as I would have difficult time handling the little ones in the family. So...I can fuss over them and send them onto someone else lol.


Wishing you the best of luck with the review for driving and for the botox treatments. I'm sure your hair is still very pretty; as you stated, it's healthier now that it was cut.


Of course you're receiving positive attention - everyone is learning what we already know - you're a sweet, intelligent, and brave girl.


You're making your cyber "Aunties" and "Uncles" so proud.

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Congratulations Katrina on your great gpa..wow! you are awesome Guuuuurrrrrlllll! Great you got those gadgets to help you out, that is a good company to get disability assistance gadgets. So now you are a TV Star..lol! your story is special and you should be proud of yourself..we are all so proud of you. Best of luck with your insurance for botox and the review board for driving

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Katrina:I can't tell you how happy and proud this blog of yours makes me. Getting GPA 4.0 & on chancellor's list, you rock, you are quite an inspiration to lot of yong kids and adults, nowonder you are coming on TV.


very proud AshaAuntie

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congratulations on that GPA! :Clap-Hands: i hope you get the botox approval - it really worked for me and i hope it does for you. seems like you are on a super postitive roll and i hope 2008 continues in the same mode! kathy

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