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Dr visit



Well I made a Dr appointment.. held off until after Holidays. My right (good)shoulder has been acting up, I had a little spot, that did not want to heal... and I couldn't see it being in my ear at the top by the fold. And my left hand... at the flesh part inside/unde thumb has been so sore I could hardly hold anything.


Dr walked in the room.. and said How r you doing? I said I think I am starting to fall apart....lol


So I got a cortisone injection in my right shoulder, :doctor: The ear is one of the pre-cancerous acetonic keratosis .... so they got zapped (with nitrous oxide) frozen.. 2 times. :lightsabre: . and back to my brace for my left hand (probably) tendonitis. I have 2 braces... one goes fromknuckles to above wrist, imobolizing fingers and thumbs.. the other is smaller with a loop for my thumb and then wraps around wrist and closes with velcro. The first one is extremely awkward to do anything in.. the second I cn at least type in.


There was GOOD news I have lost 4 more lbs. ( I am down a jeans size) so I know I had lost some.. was abit disappointed that it was only 4.... so now.. 10 to 13 to be where I want to be. My BP was 102/64. So I think we have the BP med at the roght dose.


One time it was TOO LOW and so now I am breaking my BP pills in half and take 1/2 one every morning.


I go back on Fosamax D. and my vitamin D level will be checked sometime after Feb 28th when I go for the blood test.


So other than being poked with a Long needle and having my ear zapped... I am in pretty good shape for the shape I am in...LOL


:pimp: :BashHead: :thumbup:


Recommended Comments

hi bonnie,

wow, what a day. what i want to know is how come you sent the 4 pounds you lost over to me! lol seriously, congratulations on the weight loss. glad you got your ear fixed - owie!!! and your shoulder cortizoned. i truely hope you can tolerate the bone strengthening meds. ya know we have passed the longest day of the year so spring is on here way! :laughbounce: cheers!

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