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where did i pack by brain???????



okay, the house is sold, inspected, appraised, found to be termite free, movers arranged and about 60 boxes packed.....so the move progresses. my big problem at the moment is where did i put my brain? :tired: i cannot keep track of anything - i wonder if i packed it with my shoes? i make a list at night of next day 'to do" things and loose the list over night! i cannot seem to really stay focused on anything. i am really tired, which increases my pain, yet i keep going until the whining, cry baby kathy comes out. :yucky: yuck! i need to step back and remember i need to pace myself! will i EVER learn this lesson? i promised myself to visit other chats and get to know more members in 2008 and have a few laughs --i think i am going to put that on hold until i get settled.

the weather here has cooled off and it is quite pleasant.....a wonderful change from months of unrelenting heat and humidity. i have been asked many times this past week why anyone would move back to the frozen north in january. what a stellar question! for myself the move is part of responding to my husband's wish to move. i guess my real desire is once moved, my husband will be happier and begin to engage in life again. my concern is knowing wherever we go we take ourselves and i am not sure moving is the answer to his issues. i so wish he could come to terms with his anger regarding my stroke. it would help make life much better for both of us.

in the meantime my furry family have their paws in a twist! my dog wants me to feed her kibble by hand and my independent cats are either under my feet or on my lap demanding the attention due them. life is good. so, with that thought only 14 days till blast off. :yikes: cheers!


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Kathy :


your blog is such a breath of fresh air, always cheers me up, hey atleast once you move your husband's excuse for being grumpy will be gone, though I think being closer to kids and grandkids adds lot of charm in life.


we all grieve differently for our loss, my husband never gets upset about anything upsets me :) though I love him for being steadfast rock in my life.




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I can truly relate to "packing" your brain.. We are not moving, but I often misplace mine. Trying to stay focused and on track is a GREAT challenge of mine. I try to help John at his office some, but between the time I leave there and go back... I spend and hour looking at things I had been working on and trying to figure out why or what I was doing.Sincerely hoping the move will be what your husband is looking for. Maybe being closer to kids and grandkids will be a bright light for him (and you)Yes critters.. know when something is going on.. boxes change.. and they want reassurance and demand more attention.Take it easy and try to pace yourslef.. I am always saying this.. but I KNOW how hard it is to do.. and then I think I am pacing myself and end up "crashing" sometimes the mental things going on are more tiring than the physical... so soon this will be over.. thinking of you......

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Thinking of you during this trying time. There is light at the end of the tunnel though. I sincerely hope that the move and being with family will be a big relief to your hubby and you both. The critters may be trying to be assured they too are making the trip. I remember when we were moving in AZ post stroke (twice there) Crystal was out of sorts. The move to PA was hard for her initially but she adjusted quicker than we anticipated, considering she's 7 years old. Even all was so new here with surroundings and furniture she adjusted well - think she picked up also on family being close by and our contentment.


As to misplacing your brain, I still misplace mine it seems and have to "pause for the cause" to figure out where it is. I think the damged cells try and take control lol.

Hang in there - ((hugs)))

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Share the kibble in your pockets, it'll be good for your diet. Try not to get too freaked out, everything comes out in the wash. Worrying your pretty little head isn't going to change anything or help you find anything or not lose things. It's all there somewhere and you'll find it all eventually and survive without it in the interim. Just be careful your brain isn't in one of those boxes you get disgusted with unpacking toward the end and just wind up tossing.


It will be fine, and the kicker will be when you finally get settled he'll say so... Kath, what'd ya think? winters up here are a pita, wanna move back down south?

Maria :friends:

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Kathy, Hi, I can relate to your comment aboiu packing your brain. After my stroke, I moved 10 times in 10 years. Always with the thought it would be better elsewhere but it never was until I realized there was something wrong with me. I should have left myself behind. I was always moving my problems with me. I don't know anything about you and your hubby but I was wondering if he has consulted with a psychoanalist for his anger. It really isn't healthy for either of you. Just a thought. Hope you find your brain soon. You know I heard that moving is way up there with the most stressful things in life. Pace yourself, and take time to relax a bit. You will find if you do that your brain will thank you and stick around. I wish you the best and may your move be a stressfree one,(As much as this is possible anyway. Good luck


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