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A Day at UMC



University Medical Center is the largest hospital in Las Vegas and I feel I know it way too well. I could probably give tours, I know my way around so well.


I was down there yesterday from about 6:15am to10:00 because Joey finally had his feeding tube removed. Wow. That feels like one of the last things he needed to feel more normal. In fact he's sleeping on his stomach now. We'll be back, though, because they found an ulcer and want to do further diagnostic work. But that's another day.


We went from there to see a new doctor. He's the medical director of the facility where Joey attends rehab. What a great guy. He's adjusted Joey's meds so he can have less pain and get more sleep. This will help him so much. Finally someone who doesn't see him as just a drug-seeking crybaby. He will be weaned off the pain meds slowly as his strength and endurance return. That was such good news.


My oldest son turns 21 today and he was over for a bit before he met up with friends to celebrate.


Then Katy called. She wanted a ride to rehab. She checked into rehab and eloped the next day 9 times this month. I told her if she got there on her own I would meet her ther to discuss her placement in a locked facility. She got down ther so I did too and we talked to the staff. They agreed she should be in a secure placement. She was talking about taking something to go to sleep and never wake up. So another trip to UMC.


I hate these situations. They ask for insurance info and my response is "I'm not her legal guardian." I have learned, though, to be able to look people in the eye and say, "My parental rights were terminated...etc." with no apology or explanation. I can answer all the questions about Katy's history and my bad behavior with shoulders back, chin up, and no defensive attitude. Even though the doctor had a very hard time looking at me.


After 6 hours, we were informed that Katy would be taken by ambulance to a locked facility. I told the doctor I was leaving. She said, "You can leave when the ambulance arrives." I said, "I can leave now." She started to tell me the rules. I interrupted, "I am not her guardian. I have neither the right nor the responsibilty to stay. Thanks for letting me wait with Katy. It kept her out of restraints and I know she'll be safe tonight. It also kept you from having to have some one watch her closely. But I've told Katy good-bye and SHE'S okay with that. So thank you and have a good night."


Got home after midnight. Another day at UMC. And everything turned out fine.


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Lorri (alias UMC tour guide),


(((hugs))) to you - I'm sure that was so hard to do with Katy but she is an adult. Hopefully she will get the help she needs and can turn her life around. It's never too late - well, it can reach that point but let's pray it doesn't. She reached out for help - which is a good indicator. Important for her is also going to be to learn lifestyle changes, ie who her friends are.


That's super that Joey's feeding tube was removed and that the doc is addressing the pain management issues. Joey has enough to deal with let alone coping with a prescription addiction.

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i was pleased to hear joey's feeding tube was removed - more progress! i admire the strength and courage that you are drawing on to meet each day and each challenge

you are faced with. kathy

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So glad to hear of Joey's progress, sorry about the ulcer.. and I am so Glad you found a Dr to work with his pain... I KNOW there are good Dr's out there.. I'm glad Katy went to rehab and that you are there for her. Don't forget to pat yourself on the back.. ( I can't reach to give it to you.. but heres a virtual hug (( )))))) You are getting through this with Joey and Katy wth dignity and strenght, you r keeping your own sobriety. You are going through times that would make anyone cringe. BUT We are so proud of you also.I really hope this is "the time" for Katy and I am sure seeing you will help her. Keep that chin up.... I know some days it's hard, but let us know and we will send virtual hugs, cheerleading whatever.. know you are not alone.

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I was a telephone counsellor for eight years and met a lot of brave people who had had a rough life but had reached out for help and were re-building. Like you some of them had to stand four sqaure in front of professionals and tell it like it was. One lady told me she felt like every time she did it she reclaimed something she had lost - the right to be her true self.


Glad Joey has passed another step back to wholeness. I agree with Bonnie, you are dealing with all this with such dignity so here is a (((((HUG))) from me too. Katy may come closer to sobriety herself this time if she sticks with the program.


Hang in there. There is a lot of hope building up here.



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I am so happy for Joey, things are getting closer in feeling normal again. I too am amazed with your strength in dealing with all this, and being pillar of support for yur own children. I guess for Katy you could be her great rolemodel. soberity could be achieved and is valuable.




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