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Well 2008 is here. Many of us are hoping for a better year.... more progress, financial stability. weight loss... or whatever. A New Year brining in new Hope.


I have been reading posts, Blogs. Many of us have gone thru some downs. We know we will get back up. Everyone has down days.

Winter in whatever climate tends to be gray and dreary, wet and windy. Expectations of Christmas.. and picking the gift to put a smile on a Loved ones face.


Survivors ... is acceptance ever complete? We miss what we can't do.. or do at the same pace as we once could.

I think most Survivors are of the "type A " personality.. experts at multi-tasking, getting things done. Wanting things a certain way and expecting perfection of themselves. Juggling jobs, family.. all, and trying to keep everyone in their circle happy.


Then comes "stroke" it has not crept up slowly.. It hits with a BANG..... one minute you are able, juggling 20 things at one time. The next moment .... you are down.. not let down slowly so you can adjust to be coming slower.. JUST Down and wondering what the heck has happened. Your brain is in a FOG for months.. your body will not listen to you.


Most of us have lost our jobs.. or can not go back to the same one... It is a LARGE hard pill to swallow at once.


Our jobs .. and the paycheck is gone. We work so hard on recovery, everyone tells us how well we are doing. We go to bed thinking I will wake up from this nightmare today, tomorrow, next week.


Are we defined by our job titles and pay check? Not totally I am sure, but after all it did take up 40 hours or more a week of our lives. We took pride in our jobs, in doing a good job for our employer. We had friends and acquaintances, spouses, family to share little stories about what we did at work. We socialized there, had lunch and it was a large part of our day.


Now we are working on therapy... trying to put the pieces back together. One day we realize.. things are going to be different.


We are no longer... defined by our jobs.. I have decided to say I am medically retired. I have found ways to fill up my days, to re-kindle some "hobbies" to volunteer. To make the best of my day. I am not "Susie Sunshine" I can still miss the hustle and bustle, but I can also enjoy the peace and quiet. I can get quite frustrated with the cognitive deficits, and especially the memory problems and fatigue. I have also decided this is What I have to work with. I am in much better shape than many. I have decided whatever I get done in a day is a Plus, not to expect to get 20 things done.. I may have 20 things started..lol but lucky if a few are completed.


I have NO Clue what my purpose in life is.... and actually I don't need a "purpose" I am here.. Hopefully putting a smile and making a difference in people I meet, as they put a smile in mine. Sometimes we touch each other briefly, just passing by. Some people you will stop for a moment and help.. or bump into and say excuse me.. and share a smile. Life is interactions.. make someone smile... We now have the time... we are not rushing to jobs, trying for perfection.






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Beautiful blog Ms. Bonnie. Trying to pick up the pieces can in itself be a challenge but we do the best we can with what we have been allotted. I know over my time post I've surely made alot of lemonade. It's a challenge but I'm glad and thankful to be here to face that challenge.

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That last paragraph defines your purpose in life very well. We are put on this earth to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. No greater purpose than that.


Good blog.



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you expressed the many issues of post stroke recovery to a tee. i have come to believe we never accept what has happened totally. i think the losses are too great and although we strive to be the best we can post stroke there are moments of sadness and frustration. i have been thinking alot recently of the difference between our job and our vocation. our job is the necessary work to survive and does not need to be our life's calling. our vocation or purpose in life can be how we travel through the journey of life and treat others. the kindness and patience or, like you said ,the smile we show others. thanks for the great post. kathy

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Bonnie, a lot of what you wrote sure described Ray after his first stroke. After he returned to work he denied it ever happened. Of course he could still drive to work, work all day and drive home again. What he couldn't do was go on from there, there was never that "extra" energy to have fun with. With even a slight stroke post-stroke fatigue is a BIG factor. For him every day was like climbing a mountain I realise now.


The caregiver who gives to work to look after a husband, partner or parent also loses the pay check and the job title. When people see me alone they ask me if I still work! I say I work hard looking after Ray but there is no pay for it. I do it out of love.


I thank you for putting what you are feeling into words. It helps me too see it from the survivor's view point that way.


(((HUgs))) from Sue.



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thank you for wonderful blog, you described what I have been feeling lately so nicely, everytime I feel that way I cover up with crying feat, instead I should come and read this blog.


I am going to copy this blog, and keep it in my survival guide.



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great blog bonnie, very nicely put into words.thankyou for sharing your thoughts with us. i don't like where i am due to a stroke, but it is what i am now and i can't change that. i'm sure most of us survivors don't either, but accept it we must and move on with our lives the best we can now. i feel bad that my spouse has to carry so much of the load now, maybe that might change someday. but for now i am content to be where i am.

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Reading others posts and Blogs, and talking with a friend on line.. gave me the inspiration.... and courage to write this Bllog. I share bits and pieces... as many of you have known me awhile. I very seldom share my emotions or inner deep feelings. Thank you all here for bringing out a side where I can share with you. Love to all, Bonnie

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