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Um, is this thing on..



Well, it's almost been a year since my life was changed forever.

All it takes is a stranger to take her eyes off the road and plow into me. My stroke certainly took half of 2007 away but I am very lucky thats all it got! I am feeling very good these days expect for the fact I have severe pains at random times.

It seems there are unexpected that lead me to recover more and more. I watched my nephew learn to walk and decided we would do it together. I was inspired by music more than ever. My wife and family certainly played a huge role in my recovery...


There are things I miss like running and skateboarding but I feel confident these things will return. If I can regain sight, touch, and the ability to walk, then I can run!

I am going to look at 2008 as a rebuilding year of sorts, a year to get things straight and accomplish my great return!

So many things to look forward to... life, spending time with family and friends and new albums by the cure and u2! :laughbounce:


"..the world will never take my heart

You can try, you'll never break me..

I'm not ashamed, I'm gonna show my scar" -- Gerard Way



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Hi there, welcome to blogging here on Strokenet. I'm Sue, caregiver to Ray and my blog here is "Sue's Sentiments" so if you hit "archive" you can see I've been an active blogger for some time.


I hope as you blog more we will get acquainted and I look forward to getting to know you better. Your first blog certainly says you are willing and eager to get back to health and wholeness - so good for you!



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Hi there and definitely welcome to the world of blogging. You are definitely motivated and have the "umpf" to trudge forward on this road to recovery. Great attitude and outlook.


I am a survivor as well - 3 years post.





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hey jet:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging, you have great positive attitude, with that attitude you will quite go far and inspire many people who are in your circle of friends. I hope to become part of that group, though I would like to know your first name.



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Hi Jet and Welcome to the Blogs. This is a nice place to vent, have a GOOD or BAD day, to share thoughts and learn a little about each other.I like your quotes... on your member posts and the Blog.I like quotes... I should type a bunch out.. but i could probably paper at least one wall there are such good ones here.Glad you and your little nephew learned to walk together, it is a darling visual in my head :)Keep up your Great attitude ... recovery/progress is not easy but who said life was easy. We are here for you :) :)

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hi jet, i'm glad you decided to blog, it helps get you through the road to recovery, or it did for me. i just passed my 6th year mark. a great attitude is needed and you have that already. i know some days you just want to say to hell with it all, but you can't you have to keep going forward even on those bad days. i still have them just not as often. a stroke doesn't mean we can't do anything we want anymore, we just have to do it differently. i wish you the best ever on your recovery and the things you want to be able to do again. you will get there, it just takes time. keep blogging and i too use music to help me on this journey. i grew up in the 60's, boy did i have fun when music was changing so much. i hope to see you in chat sometime, we have alot of fun in there. so stop by sometime.

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ah, the 60s. I like alot of the garage band stuff that came ut as well as the obvious stuff like the beatles, the stones, and the kinks.


Thanks all for the encouraging comments. I am well convinced this will be my year.

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