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I made it to four years post stroke



Well, I read all of your well wishes and suggestions in my last blog. And as you all know I don't blog too often but I thought I'd let you know I made it to four years post stroke.


Thought I would wait a couple days to make sure I passed that mark and headed to 5 years. I wish you all a successful year and all your wishes come true. I posted it on the message board but I know you all read the blogs first and may not get around to the topics on the message board with so many members now.


So here is my Mountain Top Wisdom: Four years worth!


The greatest thought is God.

The greatest thing is love.

The greatest mystery is death.

The greatest challenge is life.

The greatest waste of time is hate,

and the most expensive indulgence is PRIDE!

--Charles E. Jones-- :secret:


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I saw in your response to the blog report that your recent blog wasn't visible - so I check and published it for you. Check in your control panel to be sure after you post a blog it's published. Or maybe for this one you may have clicked on draft.


Anyhoo - Congrats again on the 4-year mark as well as working towards the 5 year one. I hope this next year brings to you better health. I love your greatest thoughts.



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You know that is what I did, didn't click publish at the bottom of the page. THANKS! I was thinking you may be going to Phoenix for the super bowl but the Steelers failed you this year.


Yea, I'm hoping and praying for a good year to come my way and I'm still able to do most things for myself still. That's a plus in my book.

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No Fred, no Superbowl for me lol, even if the Steelers were there. Funds don't permit the trip and the battery on my power chair would not last that long to make the trip. :rolleyes: Can you imagine me stopping every so many miles to recharge? lol. I'll cheer the Giants I suppose, from the warmth of my living room.

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congratulations on your four year anniversary, I know you had rough last year in health department, I will pray more healthy anniversaries and your wisdom on this site is greatly appreciated.




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Fred, every year is a good year. It may have it's ups and downs but it is another year older and wiser, another year of practicing here on earth for what is to come. And there are blue sky days and grey sky days in each of our lives so we have that in common.


I appreciate your words of wisdome too. Just had a letter from one of our older ministers now moved back to Sydney and he has Parkinson's and now some signs of "memory loss" creeping in and yet he sent me a letter full of praise and thankfulness for the life he has. It is staying positive about life that counts, not listing what you can't do but still being able to appreciate each day, each person you meet, each meal you have. Our blessings are measured here in children and grandchildren, friends and all those delightful folk like those on this site who brighten each day.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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fred, i too wish you congrats on your anniversary. you are a great inspiration to alot of us. i hope you celebrate many more, too. i pray you have a healthier year and many more improvements in your recovery. keep up the good work and those great jokes you share with us. be safe and well our friend.

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He sounds just like me these days and my last travel plans would be to return to your country one more time. I enjoyed myself although I didn't drive, wrong side of the road, I had a ball. Of course I was much younger but these days would love to bring my wife and let her see too.


I read every day about the Tennis tournament going on and wish I was there, I would certainly stop in to see you and Ray and kids.

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Congrats on the 4 years Fred. I will be hitting 5 this Spring..


I definately wish for a MORE healthy year for you. You work, keep moving, and have been and will be an inspiration to many here. ( me being one) ....


Best Wishes Dear Friend and to celebrate many more with you.

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congrats on your four mark. i know you have been dealing with some tough physical issues and i hope this year is better for you. kathy

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