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Ready to hear "Told ya so"



Hi gang.......Yes, I'm ready to hear all the I told ya so's and I well deserve them. To those whom have it's me this past week, thank you for listening to my babbling, frustrations :yadayada: and yes even a few cuss words.


I have houseguests <_< . Couldn't exactly say no as I was their only resort. I was told by nephew that it would be for 2 weeks. They arrived on 1-14 so their 2 weeks is up on 1-28 and I'm holding them to it without a doubt. There have some upbeat points to them being being here but for the most part it's been much grief and aggravation as you all warned me it would be.


It has been necessary for me to vocalize (to put it mildly) my frustrations and rules/regulations. I try to focus on being able to help out and the good we're doing but it does stink to be quite honest. I'm not going to recount all of my issues with the 2 of them as I would be here until after they moved out listing them.


I had another health related issue come up. I saw the Cardiologist on 1-15 who I was referred to by my PC. I was impressed with her. On 1-31 I will be having a heart cath done. My Cardio believes there is a blockage which was indicated in the nuclear medicine portion of the stress test I had on 1-24.

Plans are to relieve the blockage during the catch. If this occurs, I will be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Should anything else be wrong that can't be rectified during the heart cath, we'll discuss the plan of action to take. On the plus side, I really haven't experienced any severe symptoms. I have had here and there some "pressure" but that could be psycho-somatic too (I hope).


When I returned home from the appointment on 1-15, Kristi and I talked about it. Bless her heart...she looked upward and announced "No touchy...she's my Mommy". I cried (blubbered) :Sob: then as well as a few other times since. What if we were brought home so there would be family near for Kristi as my "number" may be called. As I have discussed this with others (you know who you are), I've been told that my purpose here is not done yet and that I have much work to do. I feel the same; but I'm still nervous and apprehensive.


Not only will my "guests" 2 weeks be up on 1-28 but I want them out of here when I go into hospital. My house, my stuff if you know what I mean. I have placed a password on my access onto the computer as my Auntie advised me that "I " was on-line 2 am Friday morning. I was not - I was asleep and so was Kristi. As the cats don't use the computer you can take a good guess as to who the culprits were. I wasn't even asked if they could use the computer either.


On a quite positive note I received my power chair from the Scooter Store. It's the jazzy select model. The base is metallic candy-apple red with the chair gray and black. My doc prescribed a gel cushion so it will be comfy. Right now it's parked in my dining-room. I'm practicing and getting the hang of maneuvering it around. Once I can get it situated in the basement that's where it will be stored and charged so I'm able to cruise my part of the world. As of now and in the future (God willing) I will not have to use it daily within the house. There are accessories I can get for it, which I hope to be able to do over time.


Oh well......enough rambling and babbling :out_of_here: later.


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No I told you sooo's. I'm sure MANY of us whould have done the same thing. Kind of hard to put someone on the street in the middle of January in 20 degree temps.There is some saying about house guests and fish... after 3 days they start to stink...LOLThe scooter sounds pretty cool... you will have to get some Steeler decals. Be careful on HILLS..... you will have to get one of those funny horns... AAAUGA.. a friend had one on a roadster that played different tunes.. Guess you have not run over any tails. Remener to read a few of Perry's posts... about the joy stick or turning it off ....You will get extra thoughts and prayers on the day of your procedure.. but r included in my daily ones, as all family here are.So glad you have a good support system and family with Kristi on that day.Get a calendar and mark off each day with a RED x and put in front of your nephew.. Maybe big Bro and Mark may have to be "bouncers"

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Donna, just had my northern family here for four days and it was a joy having them and a relief to wave them off an hour ago. I've had other house guests that have disrupted our lives too. It has to be personal choice or it doesn't work. I guess you didn't really have the choice and that makes it more awkward.


I'm with Bonnie, line up the bouncers and out they go when the two weeks is up. With your medical troubles etc you don't need the extra stress. And no, I don't see you pressing the doorbell at the heavenly gates for a while yet.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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donna dear, bless your heart literally, sometimes family can be a big pain in the rump. hopefully they will be gone before the 2wks are up. you don't need these problems on top of everything else you are dealing with. i know in my heart your number is not coming up. your work here is not finished yet. please try not to worry. the doctor sounds like a good lady and is going to help you through this as all of us here are. your chair sounds way cool and you'll get the hang of it real soon i bet. have fun and be careful and watch for tails around the house,lol. you know i think of you everyday and have been saying extra prayers for you and kristi. try and keep your stress level down. i know easier said than done. i know kristi will watch over you and keep you calm, or else i'm coming out for a visit, lol. be safe and well my friend.

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we can all talk the big "don't do it" but when push comes to shove most of us would do just what you did and let your nephew and girlfried stay. so no i told you so - you did a kindness and that says everything about you. i think your plan to have them gone before you go to the hospital is right on. make sure you get any keys as well - the last thing you need is any more stress!

your power chair sounds like the coolest of the cool. sorry you didn't get blue but it sounds quite flashy! we will have to get you a racing helmet and some steeler stickers!

i pray they can take care of your blockage and anything else during your cath procedure - you are right that you still have much to do here.

keep practing with your chair and try to stay calm and unstressed as you wait. you and kristi are in my thoughts........i am sending you a huge hug! :hug: kathy

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