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Sad Day Mom going to Nursing Home



It's been months since I entered anything in my blog but I need to today. Yesterday my Dad put my Mom in a ursing home. She also is a stroke survivor. Not massive strokes but enough that it has impaired her and after a fall that broke her arm several years ago her health has declined. Most days she just lays around. She used to be such a vibrant woman, directed a Sweet Adeline Chorus and sang in a quartet. She kept a beautiful house and always dressed nice, got her nails and hair done. My Dad has spent the last several years being her caretaker and finally hiring their next door neighbor to help out a year ago. He is 81 Mom is 78 and my Dad works 4 nites a week from midnight to 7 am so she is alone all night. Also he plays golf two days a week and bowls one nite a week. He does all of the house work, laundry, cooking and everything else Mom used to do. He has talked some before about the possibility of Mom going into a nursing home when he can't take care of her anymore. Mom is a true homebody, loves her home, her dog and her things so this is devastating toher. They live in Florida and I live in Tennessee. She was in the hospital last year for 12 weeks with pnuemonia, was on a ventilator then a trach and finally came home. Last week she had a spell where she was eating breakfast and he thought she was going to sleep and asked her if she thought she needed to go to the hospital and she said yes. She has some dementia but still is very sharp and you cannot put anything past her. Anyways Daddy called the paramedics and she went tot he hospital. My Dad spent quite a bit of time talking to her doctor and they both agreed it was time for Mom to go into a nursing home. My Dad can hardly take care of her anymore. After he comes in from work at 7 am he sleeps till about 2 pm so Mom is really by herself most of the time. Mly sister and I have worried about her safety for a long time. But I am so distraught over this. I have cried all day long. My husband, George, who I am his caregiver and he has Aphasia has watched me cry all day and I have talked tohim and I have thought about seeing if my parents want to move in with us and I can take care of her too and Daddy could quit work. But, I know my Dad and he doesn't want to leave Florida and come up here where it is colder. He has lived in FL for 51 years. And everyone else thinks it would be too much on me to take care of George and my Mom. Plus I work full time at home and we would have to sell this house and get a house with a separate apartment like place for my parents. My sister and I told our Dad we would support him but I feel so awful for my Mom that I have mixed feelings about my support for my Dad. My sister and I both know that it is killing Daddy to take care of her like he does because he IS 81, and works so much. We have noticed lately that he has been at his last ropes and was just about to go over the edge. He and my Mom constantly bicker with each other ( a lifetime of bickering!!) and he gets frustrated with her because she has basically given up. Now that she is in the nursing home she keeps asking when she is going home. Daddy tells her he doesn't know when that he can't take care of her now. This has just made me feel sick. I know how much Mom likes to be at home and how lonely and scared she will be at the nursing home and she will never adjust to it. She doesn't have complete dementia although it is gettng worse all of the time so she is aware that she is not going home now. And she is Mad as Hell. I don't want to make my Dad feel guilty because he HAS taken such good care of her for so long and he knows that he has reached his limit but I feel so sad for my Mom and I want to fix it!!! George can't really talk too much to me although he has said we could have them move here but it would be very hard on me taking care of both and working full time and I really can't afford to quit work because I need the insurance for George and me. It is the worst dilemna I have ever been in and I just had to write my feelings down. I hope someone will read this who has been through this before with their parents and maybe can give me some peace about it.



Wendie :(


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Wendie, I could write a book on this subject but most of it would be about my dilemma so I'll concentrate on a bare outline.


I moved my Mum and Dad in with me as Ray came out of hospital after his 1999 strokes. I had them both here for four months ( Dad died in January 2000) and Mum here till September 2002. I don't regret what I did but will say caring for them all almost killed me. It was a HUGE committment, far too much for one person to handle.


I visited Mum today as I do most Mondays and Fridays. She is no longer mentally alert but still walks around, smiles, eats, whistles a sad little tune. She has good days when she is alert and alive to what is happening around her and bad days when she mostly sleeps all day and walks the corridors all night. She has a room of her own and very good care. It is a 26 bed hostel style lodge with a central courtyard and an inside walking track so ideal for a person like Mum who is still able to walk. As she went there for respite a few times she was familiar with the place when she moved in.


If she had been like Ray, physically disabled she would have had to go into a shared room in the nursing home. That would have been a harder decision for me to make. In the first two years she was at the lodge I could still bring her home, take her out to eat, bring her home for birthdays and celebrations so I still felt she was a part of the family. Then when she wouldn't get into my car for some reason that changed and I then just visited her twice a week.


We all have to make decisions about our elders, and sometimes about our survivors or ourselves - not easy. I knew when it was time for Mum to go into care as I was no longer coping and Ray needed more of my attention. So I guess you just have to trust that this is the right time for your Mum too.


I wish I was there to talk this over with you, dry your eyes and give you a hug.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I myself am clueless on what advice to give, I know secondhand caregiving is really hard, and that too taking care of two people will be really hard while you working full time. So I will pray for your strength.




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I'm sorry for what you are going through right now, Wendie. I can look a this from two perspectives. Both my mother and Dad were in a nursing home at the same time. I didn't have a choice because I was not able to give them the kind of care they needed. Dad accepted the situation very well, but Mom was another story. I have two sisters and three brothers, but I was the only one still living near them, so it fell on my shoulders. I made sure they were well taken care of and would visit several times a week. I never felt guilty because I knew they were in a safe place.


Now I am the stroke survivor and my husband is my caretaker, with part time help from a young woman we pay to come in for a few hours each day. My husband is 75 years old and has a few health issues himself. Our children (we have four) will have to decide what to do when the time comes. None of them live here. I am hopeful that when that decision has to be made that we are both still able to help make the decision.


Please don't be so hard on yourself. It sounds like your Dad went beyond the call of duty and perhaps needs a break. And I am sure he doesn't want to burden you and your sister. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.




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wendie, i too feel for you on this issue. but you need to remember its the best for both parents right now, your dad needs a break. i too had to agree to put my mom in a nursing home when dad was recovering from pneumonia, he had taken care of her for years and let himself get sick. it is never an easy decision, so i send (((hugs))) your way. you can always take her out for visits and maybe she can come back home someday. my dad was 80 and mom 75. i hated having to do it since i promised my mom she would never have to go to a nursing home. she picked the one she wanted to go to since she had worked at both of them in their small town. hopefully your mom will be well cared for and make new friends there and be involved in alot of activities there to keep her mind busy so she doesnt dwell in thinking about going home. sometimes we can't always bring our parents home with us to care for them. you do alot already and you need to care for yourselves first. if your mom has dementia, she would be safer at a nursing facility that is designed for those type of patients, especially if your dad works at night and she is alone. do not feel guilty over your decision. it is a stage of life. my parents bickered also. so i do understand how you are feeling. pm me if you want to talk about this with me. i wish you the best and try not to worry.

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