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and we are off! like a herd of turtles!



yes, today is moving day. in a few hours all our stuff will be gone and only the final house cleaning and last good-byes to be said. i have spent the last last 10 days saying good-bye to my friends and former co-workers. reflecting on my 4 plus years in florida it is here the stroke demon struck and here i have been blessed with getting to know some very good and interesting people making many new friends. tonight we will stay in a motel and tomorrow sign house papers and begin our road trip home. it has all happened so quickly! like life - we blink and suddenly the time is gone.

please wish us good driving weather and remember us in your prayers for a safe journey. i will get back on line at andy's condo - until then....... :scooter: .kathy


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My thoughts and prayers are with all of you for a safe journey. Yes, things do happen in a blink of an eye and lives change forever. Change is hard but can also be fun as adventures are encountered and fond memories are created. You have much to look forward to, reuniting with family and old friends. All of us here will be with you in spirit.

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you will be in my thoghts and prayers today and tomorrow again new adventure chapter on your life begins. I agree with Donna change is hard but we need not be afraid of it it will be just different, so enjoy your road trip with your darling son, I have only one and I hope and pray he will turn out to be as caring and loving as yours.


we look forward to your roadtrip report soon. tell your son to drive slowly and safely.





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Sending you the Irish Blessing... don't remember it all.. but may the wind be at your back....May you have a safe and blessed journey, the kitties quiet and a happy dog. Good weather and roads.Will keep you in warm thoughts and prayers. we will miss you and look forward to seeing you on line when you get to your son's.

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Guest lwisman


Good luck to you Kathy.


Looking forward to hearing about your adventure after you are settled in.

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kathy, i wish you a safe and happy trip to your new temp home. i will keep you in my prayers. i'm sure its kind of a sad day for you too. this event has gone so quickly for you. i hope you are able to find a new home quickly and

get settled in as well. be safe and well.

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Welcome to the frozen north... I'm sure that you will miss Florida and this time of year especially.. I guess it's not as cold as our neck of the woods but may taking some getting used to...

I wish you a pleasant trip and hope all the animals are at their best behavior.. Will wait to hear from you when you get there...

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