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we made it!



i have really missed being on site this last week or so. i was sad to learn louise has had serious setbacks and very happy to learn of donna's procedure success! while catching up i noticed that quite a few people are having some down times. maybe caused by post holiday exhaustion and boredom with bad weather perhaps? i feel as if i have been living in a spinning top. stuff, more stuff, fast, faster --never stopping. i can honestly share with everyone that i did, in fact, pack my brain. i know it is in storage somewhere and i can only hope it is climate controlled! :tongue:


our house closing in florida came off without a hitch and and we were on the road a half hour after signing papers. the only difficult part for me in leaving florida was saying good-bye to some really terrific people. we plan we stay in touch and have already made some plans to see one another. it took us a total of three days to drive from florida to cape cod. the animals were quite good - the cats were whinney but then thats cats for you. the really funny thing was when we would stop for the night. exhausted, we would crawl into bed and soon the dog would follow positioning herself between barry and me. we were then joined by the two cats who would spread themselves out in the most comfortable manner for them - over both of us. it was impossible to move and our furry kids had no intention of adjusting their positions --not even one inch. :wink: with thier imobilization plan enforce the furry ones could sleep assured thier humans would not escape in the night leaving them to survive the wilds of south carolina or someplace equally terrifying. getting the cats in their carriers each morning proved a daily challenge - tricks, sweet talk and treats did not encourage cooperation on their part. all in all the human travellers in this small circus did pretty well - we all still love each other and are on speaking terms. the weather was great for travel - we did get lost around philly - but after some rather heated discussions found the turnpike. cape cod, our destination, had been hit with a nor'easter the day before our arrival and we were :yikes: greeted with 12-14 inches of snow and 20 degree temps. kathy, you are not in florida anymore.


we are now somewhat settled in our son's condo and in hot pursuit of finding affordable one level housing. i do not think the housing market woes have hit this area and so we are doing some real looking. i am so grateful we lived here for almost thirty years and know the area. so, i am trying to pace myself as i am totally pooped out. here is hoping for a good little house to be found soon --kathy


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Glad to hear you ALL made the trip safe and sound and still speaking to one another. I'm sure the weather was a jolt to reality. No Kathy isn't in Florida any more :nuhuh:


I pray you, Barry, and critters find the perfect home for all of you.

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Guest lwisman




It is good to hear that you had a safe trip. Before you know it you will be settled.


Aren't animals a stitch? Gotta love 'em. :D

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Best Wishes on house hunting.. You will know the perfect one when you walk in.. The colors may not be right, but you will know the house... a feeling of coming home.Glad everyone made the trip well, It is totally amazing how much space a small dog .. or cat can take up.... when stretched on the side and all 4 legs stretched out.. and it is amazing how many legs and positions a cat can get into when trying to put them in a carrier. one more trip when the new house is found, which will be soon I hope for you.Try to rest and nap when you can. We are certainly to have you back on site.

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So happy to hear you and your herd of turtles made it safely. The worst part is over. Looking for a house is the fun part, and as Bonnie said when you find it you'll know. Smile your pretty smile Polly soon you'll be kicking up your feet in your favorite socks in your new home.

Maria :friends:


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hey Kathy:


I am glad you guys made it safely to capecod, and all of you are still in talking terms with each other which is great. now fun part begins of househunting, as Bonnie says you will find that dreamhouse and right now its great market.


hope to see you more around after you get into ur groove




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hi kathy, i am so relieved to hear from you and that you all made it safe and sound to cape cod. i hope you find your new home quickly so you can relax and stretch out yourselves. we have missed you here at the site. take care and enjoy your snow,lol. keep us updated on the house hunting. good luck and happy hunting.

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