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Hello everyone,

I have been meaning to update my blog but everytime I think about it, I end up doing something else. Well, here is my update. I did start boox last week. It was a lot of pain but I didnt even flinch. I think Im immune to pain. Well I guess it worked but I cant really tell since I've already seen changes from the baclofen. I have to go get more next month and I am supposed to be going back to OT. Lately, I have been feeling so discouraged. Does anyone ever get in that mood where you are just tired of being the way you are? Everyone I see looks "normal" so sometimes I forget that Im not like them. and then when I remember, its like wow I dont walk like them, my hand doesnt look like theirs, I cant see what they're seeing. It has really been bothering me lately. I don't know why. Also classes have been stressing me out. I am not doing too good. I am still passing all of my classes. I just set my expectations so high and I hate making mistakes so when I dont reach my fullest potential, I feel like a failure. School is the only thing I can do. If i can't stay good at that, I have nothing. Well I am done ranting for now. I have a lot of work to do and I havent had more than 4 hours of sleep in the past week so bye everyone


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Hi Katrina , Good to see your up date. I hope between the Baclofen and Botox the muscles spasms and tone get much better for you. Are you carrying to many credits a quarter? Maybe a class or 2 less, and you could focus more on the other classes and assignments. As far as gettint discouraged or feeling different. I know there are times I miss what I used to do.. quick thinking, fast moving, etc. Then I remember the day after the stroke.. and realize how much I have gained back. There were a couple books on Oprah today.. on positives in your life and making a board of things you would like in your life... and inspiration board . One book is "Find Your North Star" and another is "A New Earth" I didn't get the authors, but I am sure they are listed on her site.. there were several others, about Positive thinking, and mantras to help you say .. to believe in yourself and achieve your goals. Don;t be so hard on yourself, this is your first year and you are dealing with a lot of issues.. and you may want to think of less classes.. or mixing hard and easy ones each quarter or semester so you dont have 4 classes that each require such intense work. Look in the mirror ... and say I am a Beautiful and Very Smart Young Woman and I WILL Reach MY GOALSprint these words on a card and say them outloud at least 3 times a day.. Now you go get them ..... And get some sleep and eat well.. you can't function on no sleep, coffee and candy bars....

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I think we all get tired of being the way we are, my heart just breaks for you that you must deal with this at such a young age. When I look at your pictures I see a very beautiful normal young woman.The botox takes some time to really take effect. Keep up the good work in your classes. High expectations are a good thing. If you shoot for the stars, you land among the clouds; if you shoot for the clouds, you get poked by the tip of a skyscraper.

Have fun and be well!


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Hi there to our sweet smiling college-girl. I sincerely hope the baclofen and botox help you. Ya know that very old saying: "Rome wasn't built in a day"? The same applies dear girl in a college degree. When I was a student, like you, I tried to overdo - and I wasn't a stroke survivor back then. Please take care of yourself; if it means cutting back on your course load, do it. It's better to succeed at fewer credits than barely pass many.


I'm glad you updated us, been wondering how you were doing. As to getting tired of now being "different", I think we've all been there at some point. Some days are tougher than others. But we're still here (YOU included) fighting the battle and doing what we can to make the world a better place. You may not think that way but I bet many admire you for your perseverance and goal setting to achieve your college education. You Go Girl - You WILL succeed.

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hey Katrina:


so glad to see your update. I second All the ladies above. I too right now taking 1 college course and it is lot of work. Just yesterday I figured out how to carry backpack with 1 hand and was so happy. I don't know how you do it everyday. you should maybe take less classes which you can handle without affecting your grade. I am so proud of your achievements. good days and bad days go hand in hand, just remember that things are going to change bad or good nothing is permanant.




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hi katrina, its good to hear from you and i agree with the other ladies. you have come so far already. we all are proud of you. cutting back alittle on your classes might help you more than you know. i too hope the botox works for you, i have been thinking about it myself. yes i do think about how i was alot when i look at other people going about their day and not fully appreciating what they are able to do and it could be taken away in any minute. i then try to think of something else, like how i was able to relearn alot of things again in my rehab. it could have been worse. like donna said we all have had that thought at one time or another. focus on what you can do,which is alot more than most. keep us updated on how you are doing.

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