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Stroke survivor!





This is the first time that I have blogged here, so I'm not sure what I am going to say yet. It is 4 am and I am getting ready to sign out so I can eat something. I have had a stomach virus and awoke to go to the bathroom but couldn't go back to sleep.


I'm looking forward to blogging here.



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Hi Jeanie


Sorry to hear you have a tummy bug. Glad to hear you have decided to blog here. All the blog community will welcome another blogger.


I have had my blog for over two years and have found it helps me to get it all down, sort of helps me sort things out.


So welcome and I look forward to getting to know you more through your blogs.



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Hi Jeanie and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. "tummy bugs" are one of the worst. Hope you can shake it soon.

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hi Jeanie:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I have been blogging more than 2 years and I find it highly therupetic. In past all of us bloggers have done 100 things about me that way rest of gang can know you better. we had givn our intro, shared our joys and sorrows here, and I call it all my blogs as my chicken soup for my soul. hope you feel better soon, and start drinking this chicken soup.




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Welcome! I am no longer a 'regular' here but enjoy logging on every now and then. As I read back through my blog entries, I notice trends over time; how I improved, my moods changed (the angry phase was difficult but normal, I think), and how my thinking and attitude about my stroke.


I wish you the best,


- justsurviving

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Hi Jeannie


Welcome, sorry you have a tummy virus.. hope is it on it's way out. I Blog.. mine are not on a steady basis.. lol I sometimes blog wheN I am Happy, share information or need cheering up.


So will look forward to getting to know you better

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hi jeannie,

hope you are feeling better now. blogging is a great way to think things out, get emotions out and continue recovery! blog on! kathy

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glad you are blogging this has helped me out a lot, hope your tummy bug is gone soon. in no time at all you will be typing away with what you want to put down, i started with trying to describe what i went through with stroke, hope you don't get down one day and delete it all like i did. again a warm welcome :welcome: :Dance:

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hi jeannie and welcome to our blogging world. it does help to get out your emotions good or bad. i hope you get past the stomach bug asap and feel better. i look forward to getting to know you through your blogs.

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