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Toto, we are NOT in florida anymore!



as i last posted we made our journey north with safety and success. we have spent the last week looking at houses - now, i thought this would be fun as i am a very nosey person. it turned out to be hard work getting down the condo stairs where we are staying and in and out of the car and into strange houses and then back up the condo stairs! i did not whine :bouncing_off_wall: i did not complain as i had a battle plan - find a house. it is amazing to me what realtors mean when they write "immaculate home", "well cared for ranch house" or"newly remodled condo". needless to say i was annoyed at what we saw and so we went up in price and one town over the cape bridge and bingo! we found our new abode. our offer was accepted on a 2 bedroom, one floor condo in a 55+ community. we see the bankers today - gulp! for a mortgage and have the inspection on tuesday. we hope to close on march the 6th. the place is everything i wanted and more - cheery, small and well set up for birdwatching. i feel truely blessed for finding this place and look forward to making it home.

i got back to chat this week and had a few moments to check around the site. i so missed my cyber friends and reading postings. i have found that the move north has really increased my pain level and i am taking a bit more meds. last night it snowed and this morning it was -7 outside(big wind chill factor) i know stu and others would consider this balmy but i must now dig around for my polar fleece stuff! LOL

yesterday morning the whole adventure caught up with my being and i had a long and painful cry, whined and generally felt overwhelmed. after about three hours of thinking i can't do this and other stuff i got my act together and did my sunday chat and - with my hubby's help- made a curry for dinner. it is true that the periods when we crash and burn become fewer and take less time as we progress in our recovery. i realized that i am not as scared as i used to be of the "down" times. i guess they are part of who i am now - anyhow thanks for letting me share - kathy


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Oh Dear Sister....I'll be praying all goes well for you guys at the bank and you are able to get your abode. Sunday night around midnight here it was -10 windchill - :yikes: . Schools were delayed 2 hours thankfully. It's almost 10 am Monday morn and it's a whole 6 degrees/windchill of -5. Heatwave lol. I'm sure, like you, that some will laugh at us but after what we've been climatized to this is brutal. Though the summers will be easier, hopefully.


Going up and down the steps IS a challenge....but just think of the added exercise you're getting :uhm: right now. That's the mindset I've adopted now living in a 2 story home.


Be careful in all your trudging around in this cold. Good to have you back on-site :D

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hey Kathy:


I missed you in my blogworld. I enjoy your cheek in toungue blogs. congratulations in finding your home so quick. birdwatching sounds interesting. I somehow feel this is perfect time to be buyer. wishing you lot of luck on your closing day.




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Congrats on the Condo.. and best of luck with mortgage.. and paper work (yuck)You and Donna have been climatized to 90 to 100 + degrees.. your blood is thinner.. etc.. now you have both come north to below freezing temps. It's going to take your bodies a bit to adjust.I would not do well being thrust from this more moderate.. rainy climate and dropped into August in AZ.. I barely manage 80's here. It has been in the 20's at night and mid to high 30's during the day.. Much milder than the below 0 temps you are experiencing. Well now you have some time to relax and catch your breath, do a little day dreaming and planning on decorating the new home. Best Wishes to you both.. glad you are feeling better.

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Kathy, congratulations on finding the kind of home you were looking for. That is some achievement in itself.


We all get tired, stressed and break down and cry sometimes. This is a BIG move and likely a bit overwhelming for you both. Having moved a few times myself early in our (almost 40 year) marriage I still remember how much stress there was in doing so.


As Bonnie says relax and daydream about your new home furnishings etc. Remember to rug up against the cold until your thinner blood acclimatizes.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Hey Kathy,


Congratulations on finding your condo. Welcome back to good old New England and our ever changing weather. Like they always say, if you don't like the weather just wait a day and it will change. LOL. Hope all goes well with the closing.


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I'm so not going to say anything about the cold since I've been chiding you for months about how you were going to freeze your little tushy off.

Congratulations on finding a place that makes you happy so quickly. I hope all goes smoothly with acquiring it and you settle in and get comfortable in time to plant spring flowers.


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