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100 things I learned after stroke

cheer mama


My new topic is "100 things I learned after stroke". I hope others of you will follow so that we may all learn some new things, or know who to ask for help.


1) I learned to crack an egg with one hand, like a chef.

2) I learned to flip or toss ingredients in a saute pan like theTV chefs do.

3) I learned I must use spell check every time, proof reading is not enough anymore.

4) Multitasking is over-rated.

5) Driving is not.

6) You won't get as much help as you thought you would.

7) Other people just don't get it.

8) The Internet is wonderful.

9) Low salt diets really aren't that bad.

10) It really is mind over matter.

11) Old dogs really can learn new tricks.

12) Many, many things can be done with one hand and an attitude.

13) Technology is your friend.

14) I have learned to use a PDA, in fact I would be lost without it.

15) I can now use an IPOD.

16) I have learned to download computer games.

17) I learned to play a Nintendo DS.

18) I have high blood pressure.

19) It runs in my family.

20) Strokes can happen to anyone, not just old people.

21) Strokes are the leading cause of disability in the U.S.

22) Occupational Therapy is not what it sounds like.

23) ADL's are very important.

24) Home shopping channels are great.

25) Internet shopping is better.

26) Ask for help.

27) Accept help graciously.

28) People are important, not things.

29) Most things can be done one handed, perhaps not as well but completed none the less.

30) Compensation is ok.

31) There is more than one "right "way to do things.

32) Look for products to make your life easier, like mayo in a squeeze bottle.

33) Hire help if you need to.

34) Part of my brain did die, but the rest is working hard to overcome my deficits.

35) Improvement occurs every day just in very small increments.

36) It may take a while to notice these improvements.

38) Exercise or therapy needs to be done every day to be the most successful.

39) We need to exercise our brains as well as our bodies.

40) You really are what you eat.

41) We only get one life, so make it a good one.

42) Don't wait to live your life.

43) I'm not ashamed that I love makeup.

44) I learned to apply it so that it looks good.

45) I learned to drive, again.

46) I learned how to safely get in the bath tub.

47) Out is harder than in, especially when wet.

48) Stubbornness is good for something, therapy.

49) I have really great friends at the stroke network.

Sorry, I must take a break now because

50) Typing with one hand is tiring , trying too.





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