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Quick update before going to bed.



My youngest daughter and I spent the weekend cheering for my oldest at a volleyball tournament. I was VERY tired but kept going for her. Now I am trying to recover. My husband and son went to Cub Scout winter camp. The went sledding, tubing and snow shoeing. They had so much fun!


I am encouraged by how my husband went. This was very important to my son. I hope this is a sign that things are changing. Maybe I am dreaming.


We have not been arguing lately. Our therapist suggested we only talk about our difficult topics when we have to. Then we are to try to write things out and switch papers. Hopefully this will prevent the HUGE fights. Things have been more peaceful for the last 2 days. Please pray this continues!


I have a big cub scout project due on Sunday. We are having our graduation awards banquet. I have many awards needing to get ready.


I am quitting some of my volunteer duties at school. I have been having mnay headaches in the morning and cannot make the early volunteer times. I hope I can find a replacement.


OK. Gotta go for now. I will continue next time with more getting to know me.




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Glad to hear things sound like they are getting better and moving in a much more positive direction. Keep up the good work.

Try not to stress over cutting back on volunteering, you need to put your health and family first. You'd be amazed at how people step up and get things done when they have to. To the disappointment of my ego my department and the district did somehow manage to carry on without me. That doesn't mean what you do is not important or easily replaceable, but it will be there if and when you are ready to return to it.

Maria :friends:

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So glad to hear things have been on an even keel in your home. Just like our recovery, baby steps lead to progress no matter how small those steps are.


As to volunteering, like Maria said, your health and family come first and foremost. Others will step up to the plate if needed. We realize that we can not and should not do everything ourselves.

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I was so happy to know that things are on positive side at home front. and your hubby going with ur son is big plus for both of them both were able to have great father-son time together. I agree with Maria about cutting your volunteering.


with these blogs I am begining to know you better now.






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i am so pleased to hear things are looking more positive on the home front. i believe that the fact you two are doing therapy (which is no picnic) says that you hit a huge pothole in your marraige and together you will make it through.

it is cool you are going to cut back on your volenteering - sometimes doing less is more cause you have more to give when you focus. hope that makes sense. i still pray your headaches will let up. take care - kathy

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