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Elondie's Everlasting Love



is my granddaughter Taylor; aka: TayTay, TayRay, Toodle Bug, Tootie, and Bug.


The following is our narrative:


On November 9, 2003 life as we knew it forever changed.


My 10 month old granddaughter suffered 2 strokes and 3 weeks later suffered another stroke.


The last stroke left Taylor in a coma like state for about 5 days. When she finally woke up, she could only scream and thrash around. Taylor lost all ability to swallow, speak, walk, urinate, and to sit up.


Taylor had a stomach wrap, a G-button, and a muscle biopsy on Christmas Eve. After spending 2 weeks in the Pediatric ICU, she was moved to the Transitional Care Unit. Taylor stayed in the TCU for 3 weeks until her neurologists decided the best place for her was at home.


Although we were told Taylor would never be able to do anything, we were determined to find any and all treatments to improve her quality of life.


My daughter, Crystal, immediately began her on-line research.


Shortly after returning home; Taylor began OT, PT, and Speech Therapy. Taylor�s feeding tube was removed in March 2004.


KCEN-TV (Channel 6) aired a story about Taylor in May 2004. Our objective was to educate others about Pediatric Stroke.


Crystal then sent an email to Governor Rick Perry�s office. After receiving Crystal�s email, Governor Perry proclaimed 1 May 2004: Childhood Stroke Awareness Day.


The Waco Tribune Herald printed a story on Childhood Strokes featuring Taylor in July 2004.


We also received a proclamation from Governor Perry�s office on 7 May 2005.


Crystal then began to research the benefits of HBOT.


With much prayer and support from our family and friends and after 1 year of fundraisers, we were finally able to take Taylor out of state. Taylor received HBOT and Conductive Education in 2005.


After waiting almost 2 years, Taylor finally started Hippotherapy in December 2006.


Taylor was on KWTX-TV (Channel 10) on 21 September 2007 regarding the benefits of Hippotherapy.


She also began using the Lite Gait, this past fall, as part of her PT regimen. Since Taylor is now walking more independently, that regimen has ceased.


Taylor recently began IM (Interactive Metronome).


In April 2008, Taylor joined the Teeball Challenger League.


Taylor also joined Ballerina Dreams this past spring.


Tootie started gymnastics in September 2008.


Tootie was in the October 2008 issue of Texas Co-op Power Magazine. The HOT Electric Co-op powers the center where Taylor rides.


Tootie also joined the Upward Special Needs Cheerleading Program in January 2009.


Tootie was in the August 2010 edition of the Waco Today Magazine. The article was about the Adaptive Aquatics program offered via the YMCA.


Tootie was in Sunday's Waco Tribune-Herald (10.03.10). She and her dad are pictured on the front page of the local section regarding the Pancakes and Planes event at the McGregor Executive Airport via the Starlight Children's Foundation Great Escapes program.


Although Taylor has made tremendous improvements; she still has a

long road to recovery. Please pray for us as we continue on this journey

toward healing; for you see, she is not only a multiple stroke survivor,

she is our miracle!


Thank you for reading my blog.


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hello Taylor's grandma:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. you all have gone through a lot in recent years. but I am sure with your daughter's dedication and whole family's support Taylor will do great. there are so many therapies you mention here and I have no clue what they are. It's good to know Taylor is showing lot of improvements. I can see as a child her recovery wil be awesome and she will be able to reach it to her full potential. It's uphill challenge but I am sure with lots of prayers and support you all wii do fine. I will keep you all in my prayers.




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I forgot to mention; Taylor was also on KWTX-TV (Channel 10) on 21 September 2007 regarding the benefits of Hippotherapy.


I would put the link but I have no idea how to do that :blush:


Can y

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You have every reason to be a proud Grandma. Bless her heart, Taylor continues to push ahead to be the best she can be. Your daughter is an angel for persevering and constantly cruisin the internet to find ways to help her daughter. I too see Taylor with a very bright future. It's fantastic how you've had community support for your miracle.


You all will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. (((hugs)))

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Donna, :I-Agree:; my daughter is an angel.


She goes to college, does her internship, works, and yet finds time to research any help for her child :juggle:


I am so thankful Taylor has a wonderful support system! I thank you as well for your thoughts and prayers :hug:

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You have my prayers for your grand daughter. She is a remarkable little child. I couldn't imagine my grand daughter here with me having a stroke. She is so concerned about me walking with a cane up and down the stairs always telling me to be careful.


You have to be a very strong grand mother and a daughter whom you can talk with. I wish her the best in rehab and recovery.

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