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can't make it to 100 things learned post but that's ok



51 The importance to my sanity of letting go...letting God handle things

52 The past will not change no matter how much I might want it to

53 For my salvation and sanity I must not let "certain" family members get on my last nerve

54 I cannot control someone else's attitudes and behaviors

55 To really enjoy select reality shows - such as American Idol

56 Persistence does pay off when dealing with providers and insurance companies

57 How to climb up and down stairs when I was initially told I would not.

58 CAN'T is a word that wasn't in my child's vocabulary and was removed from mine.

59 Safety must be remembered at all times

60 How to register on-line and play with (successfully) Webkinz characters online - I now have 2 of the little critters...a koala bear and penguin. they're more

than just adorable real life stuffed animals that sit on my desk

61 Everything does happen in due time, such as decent and warmer spring weather

62 Power of positive thinking

63 How to sneak crunchy treats to Crystal without Lili finding out

64 I can quit smoking (currently in my 3rd week)

65 The importance of remembering what I believe in

66 I am still me, only a different version of me post stroke

67 Ways to deal and cope with short term memory issues post stroke such as writing notes for myself and making sure things are put away where they

belong - and.......using the "remember me links" when and where applicable

68 Perfectionism is highly over-rated and should be considered a stroke risk

69 Importance of "not sweating" the small stuff

70 How to retrieve mail from my mail box outside without dropping it or falling in the process of getting back into the house (specially in inclement weather)

71 That I will probably not come up with the remaining 29 things I've learned post stroke unless, like a friend suggested, I list things that I've learned that I still

cannot do post stroke (comically reported of course)


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Donna, you have the rest of your lifetime to record the other 29, so leave spaces for what you learn about being a grandparent etc.


I learn something new every day, some good , some bad, some plain embarrassing...lol.


Like you I need a reminder book, my mind is too crowded and I don't know what to throw out...lol. So I don't think I could get to 100 either.


The 100 things blogs are good blogs though and I have really learned a lot from them.



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Guest lwisman




Don't worry about it. I tried and only got to 25. This is a really difficult assignment. If I ever get my list a little longer I will share. Good luck!

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hey Donna:


your list is getting better and better. I love your #61. this exercise does helps us look at the positives post stroke.


thaks for sharing




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