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she's just like.....



Sorry to the people in chat that I ran out on yesterday. I was a little distracted as I had visitors here and not just any old visitors but English visitors. I also had my sister here and I could just hear their voices from here, and not what they said so I was a little distracted and wanted to get back to them. I am sure that you all did very well without me after the first hour...lol.


The visitors had been invited, on impulse, to stay overnight. This was a big committment as I had last met *M* when I was five or six and never met her husband. They have a daughter who came to Australia on a working holiday and has just decided to apply for permanent residency so may be here for some years to come. *M* is my mother's step-mother's niece and while not a blood relative one who's mother both Mum and I were very fond of. Ray and I visited her mother on our 1994 trip to England as she lived on the route of our tour to Land's End. So it was to satisfy my curiosity that I invited them to come up and stay the night.


Ray is away at Camp Breakaway for three nights, will be home around 10.30am tomorrow. He will be well looked after, fed and attended to in the shower, entertained throughout the day even tucked into bed at night. He might give me a passing thought but on the whole will just enjoy being where people make him and the other 23 guests feel special and loved. It really is a beautiful, tranquil place too, so a rest for your soul.


My sister came early and the visitors had not arrived so about the time I thought their bus would come she went to find them and brought them here from the bus stop. As soon as I heard *M* speak I knew she was okay, she has a way of talking as if she is smiling and I did like her right away. Her husband is nice too... in the somewhat salty way of an ex-Naval man. The four of us had lunch and a chat till mid-afternoon and then went for a two hour scenic drive around some of our beautiful beaches before going out to dinner at an Italian restuarant which I recommended and which fortunately lived up to the recommendation...whew!!


After dinner Julie went home and the three of us, sometimes joined by Trevor, chatted till almost mid-night. It was so nice to catch up on news from both of them, his naval career, her time as a schoolteacher, news of our kids, news of their kids. I have seen my Mum's step-mother twice since we came to Australia in 1955. Not a lot for someone who is actually my step-grandmother. I didn't see her on either of my trips to England as both times I was told "it is not convenient". So I was glad to have this small family reunion. I don't think I will be going to England again but have a warm invitation to stay if I do ever get there. Lovely to be so relaxed in the company of people who are really strangers in some way, distant cousins in another. For a little while it reminded me that I am joined to a large group of people who are seperated from me by distance, not by intention.


I had plans for this afternoon that included taking a walk on the beach but wouldn't you know it...it is raining again. Trev is home and said he'd take me to a movie this afternoon so we might do that. We might see "The Bucket List". It is good to do something with one of your children sometimes. And with Ray in my care that is often not possible, so I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity.


And so to finish the title of this blog. SHE'S JUST LIKE HER MUM...isn't that wonderful?


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it depends how good your mum is. I love and adore my mom but not all of her qualities. I do wish I have her best mom streak in me in raising my son.


I am happy that you had great time with your visitors.




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Asha, her mum was my mum's best friend for a while. She was the sweetest person, we met her for dinner in 1994 and had a lovely night with her.


There are cousins I met in England and felt so at home with, I really miss them. It is a funny feeling sometimes, I feel I am a world away from them, as you are from your family in India.


In some families the sisters can be sweet and sour, you will know what I mean by that, a real contrast. So I am glad the one who visited us was so sweet.




PS. Ray is home. Guess it is back to work for me eh?

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it sounds like you've had a fun and full day. Have fun but get some rest too. I hope Ray is having a great time on his 3 day outing, what a nice break for you.


hugs Anne

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