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dissapointments lately



well, the past few weeks, have been full of disappointments, i had my CT ANGIOGRAM of my head and neck and got my results, which i guess are ok, would have liked it being better. my main cerebral artery in my brain is open alittle more but very narrow, it was closed at the time of my stroke. so i guess that is better. but i was diagnosed with FMD(fibro muscular dysplasia) at the time of my stroke. drs recommendations was to continue my present therapy of blood thinners and a reduction in smoking. ok ok ok i know i need to quit, but i do enjoy it. i did quit once and will do it again. also the carotid arteries are open but placque is in my rt one, but its ok and they aren't narrowed. i had a appt with a kidney specialist that took weeks to get to hopefully find out why i have had 2 kidney stone attacks in less than a year. we were there and waited 1 1/2 hrs to see him, but due to an emergency he was running way late, i couldn't wait due to having to pick up my new glasses before they closed. this was all in scottsdale, a suburb of phx, about 30 minutes away from my home. my neuro referred me to a urologist he trusted, lol. so i rescheduled for the 26th of march, soonest he had. this last issue is one that really bothers me. the lady that has been helping me for over a year, decided her problems were more important than my needs, i guess. she comes 3x a week MWF. monday we had planned to go early, have lunch, then to appt. she never called or showed up. my hubby had to take off work to take me, he was none to happy. she apparently had something she had o do for her son, who is 28 and just out of prison. i still have not heard from her as i'm writing this. this is not the 1st time she has done this either. she is the girlfriend of a friend of ours and has done this type of work before. i was so happy when i found her, to help relieve my hubby of some of the things he has to do for me. she has alot of drama in her life it seems and she is not as reliable as i thought. my hubby told her we will have to rethink this working for us anymore. maybe that pi____ her off. i' m sorry but you don't leave a handicapped person stranded like that, ever. we were able to talk about alot of things together. shes not the person i thought she was. oh well such is life, i've always said not to hire friends or family for this reason, i should have listened to myself. DUH, LOL.


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Sorry things aren't going quite the way you'd hope - especially that irresponsible helper you've had. Hope you can find someone more reliable.

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Chin up Kimmie...things will get better. I know you have a lot on your mind but as you often say in your posts"DON'T GIVE UP HOPE!

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Kimmie, you know the old saying "when it rains, it pours". I guess it happens even in Phoenix. I am blessed with an excellent care giver, I wish I could clone her. And I know exactly what you mean about leaving a disabled person in the lurch. Hope you find someone soon.



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Kimmie, we have a service provider and all of a sudden it is "we can only do from ten till noon on Friday, Tuesday's nurse may be late etc etc" so I know how "unreliable" feels.


I'm in favor of you giving up smoking too, easy for me to say eh? Kidney stones can be caused by over the counter products like vitamin and mineral supplements so remember to tell the specialist ALL of the substances you are using, prescibed and non-prescribed. Hope you get it all straightened out soon.



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chin up and you will see things will work out. hope you find reliable transporter, BTW have you looked at redcross medical transportation. for mimum fees they do take you to doctor's appointments, though you have to give them 1 week's notice. check out with your local redcross chapter. not all recross chapters have that service. I had used redcross transportation, and now I am volunteering at our redcross chapter.




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thankyou all for your kind words and suggestions. i know all will work out in time. my oldest son will be back here soon and he is a great helper. it just amazes me how people can be so unreliable to people in need. oh well life goes on and we adjust the best we can.

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Hi Kimmie, sorry things haven't worked out. But maybe someone better will come along. May people aren't very reliable to themselves... so to put them outside the box to be reliable to someone else is beyond.There are many reliable caring people around. Dont you wish people had stamps on their foreheads. or certain colors they wore..LOLBest wishes that things go better, and you find a Wondeful person to help you out.

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