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things you don't know about me

lady k


since so many have worked on this thought i would give it a whirl, don't know if i will reach 100 so i will just add until i think i can't think of anything else

1. I was a interstate truck driver (the big 18 wheelers) for about 10 years about 3 all by my self.i met my husband then the rest we drove together.

2. i was starting competition shooting in IDPA when i had the stroke.

3. i left the phone company after working 19 years and will still one day get a pension if i live long enough.

4. before o drove a truck i was able to fulfill a life long dream to have horses, and owned 2.

5. to learn how to care for them i volunteered at the therapeutic riding center in Dallas TX.

6 my brother was a boy scout and made it to eagle scout, i wanted to be just like him so i said i was a scub scout, he was 9 years older so that's what i called cub scouts,mom was the den mother.

7.When my brother started dating every time he would bring his girlfriend over i would ask when they were getting married.He stopped bringing them to the house.

8.My Dad died from ALS when i was 11, my brother joined the Navy and was hardly ever home after that.

9. I was the youngest, my sister is 3 years older.

10.I married shortly after high school, it lasted about 2 years.

11. He decided to come out of the closet, and I kicked him out when he started dating men. our daughter was 1 year old.

12 About 5 years later i remarried, he enjoyed the outdoors, camping,hunting, kinda of a redneck. (less chance of being gay i guess)it lasted 7 years.We had one son, he was 6 when we split, he also has hemophilia.

15. I left with the kids when i found out he was molesting my daughter

16. He was prosecuted but with a good lawyer got probation. I had to let it go to help my daughter, it never went to trial and the wait was bad for her mental health.

17. It was 30 years before i could forgive him. my daughter led the way.

18. my husband now can't handle my disability, so we live apart. don't know what he will do. Now he is still helping me,

he pays for my health insurance and cell phone,and car insurance.

19. I have lived in a state other than Texas twice, during 1st marriage in Washington state, for 2 years, then with my husband now in Indiana, for 7 years.

20. my grandmother on my mom's side, quit speaking to me when i was young and never spoke to me again, i really don't remember why.

My Mom was really a Yankee from Minnesota, My dad was from Arkansas, he was a hillbilly from the Ozarks. his family came to America in the 1600 i think about 1650. they were French Huegonots and settled in Maryland, my mom's parents were both immigrants one Swedish, she came through Ellis Island and the other German, really his parents before world war one.

21. I'm going to be a great grandma in JuneG22. I went to survival school, (Midwest Native Skills in Ohio), it was more learning how to do primitive skills, like making fire with a bow drill, also learning about wild plants for food and first aid, and learning how to be use a map and compass for orienteering and how to tie all kinds of knots. the correct way to sharpen a knife, how to build a shelter when you don't have anything with you.

23. i love camping in a tent but not hiking, I hope to one day be able to go hunting again.

24. I wish i could have a big garden and have a farm with animals.

25.Growing up we swam a lot and played with a canoe, I want to do that again.

Well that's a the first installment. Once I can think again will try to add more. :nuts: :dribble: :hug:


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Wow, compared to you I think I am an under-achiever! You sure fitted a lot into your life pre-stroke! But it is so interesting to think of you doing those things - hunting especially. It seems we are all so different on this site but we have the "stroke" in common whether as a survivir or caregiver.


One day I hope you do get to do some of the things you'd like to do. It is good to have goals and ambitions and plans. It is one of the things that keeps me going through the dark times, that there are so many good things ahead of us still.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Thank you for sharing. You are a survivor of so much that has happened. I too hope you are able to accomplish once again those things you hold dear to your heart. Til then you do have the memories.

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