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Im 23, my mom is 55 & in a nursing home



Hey I am 23 and when I was 20 my mom had a major stroke and heart attack. I had to grow up quick and I had to make some decisions I was not prepared for. I am still now dealing with everything even though it is three years later. The last three years of my life have been hell and I just feel like I can never get a break. Every time one little good thing happens three bad things happen. I don't feel I have been able to deal with my emotions with my mom very well and I just wish I could find someone who is as young as I am and has had to go through what I am going through. I haven't been able to find anyone that can relate because not many people my age have a mother that has a major stroke and wasn't able to recover and has to be in a nursing home because of her financial situation and because the government is screwed up. Also my mom is not physically able to take care of herself she is a total assist. She cannot move her left side at all. She would need a full time caregiver to be able to live at home. Her insurance since she is on medicaid and medicare will not cover it and the only home she has is mine. She also has four dogs that I take care of and I don't know that even if they did cover it I think the dogs would cause a problem. I also am an only child. I have no family members to help out or talk to. My moms one brother lives in Arizona and only came back once when she was in a coma and only calls once in a while to say hi. He just wants to live his life there and doesn't really want to help out at all. I already knew that would be the case. Her other brother lives here in town but also hasn't been really much help. His wife helped out at first but after my mom had stopped improving and was stable in the nursing home they stopped calling. They haven't been up to see my mom in over a year. They also haven't called for almost a year. My dad and mom divorced when I was young and he is never really around. He is a truck driver and we just now are starting to get a good relationship going. So the only real person I have is my fiance who has been with me through everything. I have tried to talk to people but many people don't really want to listen I think because they don't want to deal with what I am going through. My moms friends also left soon after she had her stroke. She only has one other family member who is her aunt I think that visits when she can(shes elderly and lives out of town). My fiance and I are all that she has. Sometimes I wonder how much longer I can keep being strong and I just want to somehow deal with everything better. I think I've done a good job but slowly it is still eating at me. And the thing that bugs me the most is that when my mom had the stroke she went into a coma. My mom never told me what she wanted as far as life support or anything so I had to make a decision in less than an hour on what to do. I thought she would still want to fight to live or would at least like the chance. I found out afterward now that she was ready to go to heaven and that I had made the wrong decision. I wish I could go back but I know that I can't. I asked God when she was in the coma that if he wanted her to live to let her live but if he was ready for her to help me make the right decisions and to take her. So I like to think that she came back for a reason but sometimes now I am frustrated because of all the pain she goes through. It is a lot to explain. But I guess this is a start and if anyone out there would like to respond back I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for reading my blog. Hope to hear from someone soon.


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I'm sorry you are having to go through this at such a young age. Do you have other family members you can talk to. Is your mother's condition such that she can't be at home? I am 74 years old, but I can be at home even though I can't walk, with my husband and a girl who comes in for a couple hours each weekday. I will email you and we can discuss things. I would like to help. I have a granddaughter just a little younger than you.




Vi (Mema)

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molly, i too am sorry to hear what you are dealing with right now. its never easy at any age to place our parents in a nursing home. i was 48 when i stroked and my youngest child was still at home. he is now 26, married and going to nursing school. i was able to come home after my rehab hospital stay and have done well considering. nursing homes, hopefully are caring for your mom, since you can't. one of our members donna straugh has a young daughter that is her caregiver and she was only 12 when donna had her stroke. you could pm donna, if you want to. her daughter kristi is a member here also. i think she is ks_2010 as her display name. just know you are not alone in this. there are others out there, who hopefully will respond to you. perhaps you should post on the message board to ask your questions. you have to make the best decisions to help your mom now and i know its not easy. hang in there, it will get easier. be sure to take care of yourself too. i hope things look better for you real soon.

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hey Molly:


welcome to blogworld. I stroked at 34 and my son was only 7 at that time, but fortunately I had hubby and due to age and severit of stroke I was able to come home after 2 months in hospital. I know it was big change for whole family but slowly we have adjusted. we have member here on board who was single mom of 12 when she stroked, it is amazing to see how we all humans step up to the plate. I hope & pray your mom recovers well enough to return home.




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Welcome to the blog community. My daughter was 12 when stroke smacked her mother (me) in the face. I experienced a massive right-sided ischemic stroke that affected my entire left side. After one month in rehab, I was able to return home. I have progressed farther than anyone anticipated and that is due in part to the motivation I received from my daughter. She's now 15 and we've weathereed some pretty severe storms as a result of the stroke. The largest being financially as I've been medically retired since 1-1-05. Life has been a definite roller coaster ride but we've been on it together.

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