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Testing of limits



I have been going through some ups and downs around here which I had attributed to the dreary winter weather. As this is my first winter in 13 years being in a winter climate, it is definitely an adjustment. As I've floundered around in my mopey state of mind wanting warmer weather and going through smoking withdrawals it has taken its toll on me...to the point that I had set all my blogs as invisible (2nd time I've done this but this time I didn't delete them as a did over a year ago).


What has helped me is to keep telling myself that God will not give me what I can't handle. Yesterday afternoon and evening though we (my daughter and I) were thrown massive curve ball that has been brewing for a few months. We have been literally ignored by my Brother and "his" mother (I no longer accept her as mine). Kristi has been calling both of them and not having messages returnerd. I've emailed my Brother and requested he call me - nothing. This has been since right after my heart cath in January. Yesterday afternoon, after school, Kristi was going to the grocery store to get us a few things and decided to try again to call her grandmother in AZ. Well....the woman answered the phone. Kristi pointedly asked her why her grandmother hates her. "That woman" proceeded to dump on my child and tell her that she does nothing but use people and that everyone is sick and tired of it and felt that she was an ungrateful girl and just out to use people for what she can get from them. When the call concluded, Kristi called me hysterically crying - I thought she'd been asttacked. Once I established that physically she was ok I planned to call AZ myself and download on her. Kristi begged me not to and said we'd talk when she returned home. I agreed and it was the longest wait I think outsife of the day I gave birth to her.


After Kristi returned home, we sat, talked, cried, and vowed to never speak to that person again. As I told Kristi we moved 2400 miles away from her and her meanness only to have it follow us - next I guess we need to move out of the country.


Her slams to my child were an indirect way of slamming me as well. SSDI money does not stretch very far. I am able to cover our rent and utilities but there is never any left over cash to even think of purchasing her clothes for school or other things a teenage girl wants. That makes me feel like scum of the earth and that bi**es comments yesterday only solidified my own feelings about myself of late. As I'm typing all of this, once again my eyes have been leaking all over the place. But God does not give us what we can't handle - though he is pushing my limits this time. enough already!!


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Donna, God gave Kristi something no-one else has. YOU. And you are doing your best with what you have. That will increase now that you have given up smoking and more money wil be available for housekeeping etc.


Remember that trying to reason with an unreasonable person is an act of futility. Don't try any more. Kristi will probably try from time to time as she is young and optimistic. That is okay. The encounters will teach her wisdom.


Your brother is maybe just feeling the burden of being caught between all these women...lol. So give him a break and see how it goes.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.


PS you can comfort me in June/July when I have the winter blahs!

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donna, i agree with sue. we don't want you leaving the country. just change your phone numbers so she can't call either of you. kristi is learning the hard way how family can act towards the people they love. you are doing the best you can and god knows this too. i hope the weather gets better for you, so you can take a nice long ride on your scooter in the sunshine. that will do you a world of good. hang in there spring is coming. at least you don't have to deal with the outrageous temperatures in the summer anymore, like you used to in az. hopefully joe will come around soon.

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Sending (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))) The saying goes we can choose our friends but not our family.You have other family members there, and i am sure Joe will come around. The sun will be there soon and the crocus and tulips coming up.. You will have your scooter.. and can get out with Kristi.I am on day 23 of my quit smoking.. so far I have drunk enough cold water to fill a pond. I think I'm becoming addicted to gummy worms.. I have not killed or harmed anyone in this process.. Kristi is a beautiful young woman.. full of strength. You 2 may "struggle" but your love and closeness is something money can't buy.

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hey Donna:


I agree with Sue & bonnie. don't get bogged down by these things. things will change. spring is just around the corner.



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Hang in there Donna...you are doing marvelous and so is Kristi. Never mind "that lady" in AZ and your Bro will come around. Just think about when you get the scooter...Wheeee! You can give Crystal and Lilli a ride..even Kristi...lol! You're right about SSDI pay but you are doing it...you go Guuuuurrrrlllll!

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It's hard sometimes to write another person out of your life, but sometimes that's the most sensible thing you can do.


I'm right with you on the spring thing. I'm so sick of winter.



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