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Spring Break



Thanks everyone for all the nice comments. As some of you may have noticed, I did post a topic about my memory loss. I really wanted to make an appointment with my neuro but I have been so busy! I had 7 midterms last week. I barely got 15 hours of sleep the whole week! I spent last weekend catching up on sleep (a good 13 hours!) Monday I had to get my wisdom teeth removed so in between naps I was busy spitting out blood for 2 days. Then finally when everything clotted up, I had to go volunteer for this agency called Find-a-Friend. I will need an internship this summer so I wanted to volunteer at my #1 choice to see if I would like it there. I did have fun but I was so exhausted! Find-a-Friend is a non profit organization that helps children of incarcerated parents, juveniles at risk, and kids who have behavior or academic problems. So I basically spent the last 2 days making lunches, monitoring the playground, and doing fractions and similes worksheets. I've never really liked kids but I actually had fun. In fact, on the first day, a little boy picked me flowers and today 2 boys were fighting over me. I think they both had a crush on me. One of them asked me if I had a husband! But I do feel proud of myself because I worked just like the other mentors and no one not even the kids said anything about my hand or the way I walk. I guess they seen that I got the job done and thats all that mattered. Did I mention I have As for all of my classes? I was so stressed but I did it again! Im also proud of myself because I got everyone on the Chancellor's List a special dinner. Usually people on the chancellor's list don't get anything but ever since I made the list, I always ask the Chancellor what I get for being on the list and he usually responds with something like "a good paying job" or "good recognition" but after the last time I seen him, I guess he finally got tired of me mentioning it and decided to give us something we deserve. So on March 27th, I will be eating a special dinner with my fellow scholars and they owe it all to me! You never get a raise or promotion if you don't speak up right? Im glad I spoke up! Oh yeah my optometrist filled out my medical form for the dmv and he gave me a good report. Tomorrow I start OT again so I will schedule my driver evaluation. I heard the evaluation takes 3 hours. I wonder what I should do to get prepared?


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Congrats on the A's Young lady!!!!! I had no doubt though. Best of luck working with the find-a-friend program. I'm sure you are making a difference for those kids. Glad you'll be having a special dinner with your other scholars - you've stepped up and are noticed (in a very very good way).

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Congrats Katrina on all you are accomplishing! You go Girl! Now tell you scholars they owe you a dinner for getting them a free dinner with the Chancellor.

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I can't tell you how proud I am of you. you are amazing girl the way you are acconplishing things. you are indeed hero. congrats on your A's and making on Dean's list. it is tough thing to achieve. your srength just amazes me, I used to think I am great survivor but my hats off to you young lady. good luck for your drivers evaluation. you will do great there too, just be yourself and you will be fine.





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hi katrina, what a great job you are doing in college, you amaze me with your strength and determination. i too am proud of you,your grades,the dinner and helping the kids. don't worry about the driving test, do the best you can and i'm sure you will ace the test. i hope your family is as proud of you as we are here. enjoy your dinner and let us know how it went. keep having fun with the kids, you are doing a great thing for them.

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