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Occupational Therapy



I am so proud of my Tootie :big_grin:


Tootie's OT had a pink piggy bank with large colored coins. Tootie


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My second son would bite his sister. I instructed her to bite him back. They were 20 months apart. I don't remember if she ever did. He would also bite me on the shoulder, but I could never make myself bite hard enough to teach a lesson. LOL The teachers at the school should find a way to stop the behavior.


It sounds like Tootie is making great progress.

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The teachers at school should be trained in dealing with aggressive behaviors such as biting. Poor Tootie - hope she doesn't learn from that other child and try it herself. I remember back to the early years with my daughter - anytime she came home with an off-the-wall behavior I went straight to the teacher and discovered she was "trying out" what she had seen others doing. Biting is a phase that has been going on since the beginning of time I think.

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As Donna suggested the classroom teacher well knows that a stern no, time out, and notifying the parent should address the problem. If the behavior continuesthe child may not be in the appropriate setting for his specific classification. Inclusion is wonderful and works well but should not be at the expense of the other children in the class. You or your children should have been given a handbook outlining "rights of parents and children of special education".Part of her inclusion is to be a mainstream setting in the least restrictive environment free of ridicule and abuse, whether that her mainstream or special education peers. Being bitten is a violation of her right to feel safe in that classroom free from abuse. The school needs to address his issue and that may mean a class change for him. Speak to the child study team. They do their job but especially in special ed you really need to be an advocate for your child.

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poor tootie, i feel so bad for her. i'm glad something is being done about this. kids will be kids, but this needs to be stopped immediately. its dangerous and let alone the terrible germs it spreads. it probably makes tootie scared and mad. bless her heart. give her a kiss from all of her aunties here. keep us posted on how she is doing.

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Well, the admin called my daughter. Although we would prefer an additional paraprofessional in the classroom; the implementations seems to be working so far :)


Maria, I wanted to tell you, it seems as if you have knowledge about Special Ed. I hope you don

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Tootie once again worked on IM yesterday :)


In fact; Tootie actually clapped her hands, to the sound of the metronome, by herself for 32 seconds :big_grin:


:wtg: Tootie!!


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Tootie worked on the IM today. We usually take a couple of breaks in between each round. While her therapist and I were talking, Tootie knee-walked to the computer and reached for the special glove that is worn during IM. Tootie was actually trying to put on the glove :happydance:


After her second round, Tootie knee-walked to the therapy peanut ball, stood up, turned around and sat on the ball. She has never done either of these things in therapy :jawdrop:


We were so excited.


:wtg: Tootie!!!

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