Edee's Blog

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Not how I planned to spend my birthday!



This is my first attempt at blogging...I have to admit I have no idea what I am doing but decided I would give it a try!


My birthday was 2 days ago. It has been over one year since mom's stroke and I have been caring for her at home for 11 months now. I feel like I have aged 10 years over the past 12 months.


My birthday started out awesome. Mom swallowed her meds for me so I didn't have to crush them and she even ate her breakfast...so far so good! I got the usual phone calls from out of town family members and opened the birthday cards and gifts that I had received in the mail and had a wonderful hour long talk with my best friend in Georgia while mom napped. My son, Andrew, came over after he got off work and gave me my presents (a new video card and cable so now my computer is hooked up to my TV, which I am loving), he also rented "Becoming Jane" for us to watch later in the evening after we went out to dinner.


Since mom has had a history of fainting spells when sitting upright in her wheelchair I was hesitant to take her out of the house for dinner. However, she hasn't had an "episode" since December and I have had her up in her chair for dinner at home at least 3 times a week with no problem.


We were going to take mom with us to Ruby Tuesday for my birthday dinner but that restaurant was really busy and there would have been a long wait (which turned out to be a blessing). We ended up going to Round Table Pizza instead. Mom really enjoyed being there and when I brought her a plate from the salad bar she said,


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Happy belated Birthday :happybday:


Reading your blog brought tears to my eyes and made me smile as well, it was very bitter sweet. It sounds like you have a terriffic son. Obviously it wasn't the b-day you had planned but it sounds like there were many blessing for you that day.


hugs to you and your mom.



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:happy new yea: :happybday: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


Happy Birthday to you,


Happy Birthday to you,


Happy Birthday dear EDEE


Happy Birthday to you.


Hey, we have had some similar nights out, but it is usually throwing up or diarrhoea that spoils it for us.


I guess in the end you just do what you do and whatever happen, happens. I do admire your courage in all that you and Andrew did for your Mum. You both did very well.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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hey Edee:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Happy Belated Birthday. I have to say your mother is blessed with real great daughter and grandson. you have great attitude towards life.




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Things sometimes don't go as planned but you made the best of it plus spent time with your Mom and son. Your Mom is fortunate to have the 2 of you.

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Happy belated birthday to you, I don't blog too often but read others almost every day. So keep them coming you'll feel better in the long run. You did a good job relating!

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I just read your intro out of curiosity, and I have to tell you my respect for you and your family went one notch higher. I am so happy that you are treasuring this each day with your mom as treasure and able to get her home from nursing home. I will tell you as survivor having great family support who really cares & loves us unconditionally means lot to our recovery. never give up on us.





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