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Update of sorts



Since last week's revelations by my Brother's mother, my child (thankfully) has not tried to call her again. Last Thursday evening I received an email from Bro stating he was going to call me as things are being blown out of proportion. Good thing I've haven't held my breath waiting for the phone call as I'd be purple not just blue. Even Kristi had sad to me "You know he won't call...that email was to pacify you. She may be 15 but she's so right.


Thought I might get a call yesterday as we had a mini crisis. Kristi was late getting home from school and had not taken her key with her. Her cell phone was sitting on her dresser. I was upstairs "unavailable" when she got home - couldn't hear the knocking with the light/fan running (fan is automatic by the way...light on, fan on). None of our neighbors were home so she walked to her Uncle's house. He was home but didn't answer the door. She was totally hysterical by the time she got back to our house and came in. She texted my niece who promptly called her Dad - Joe said he didn't hear her at the door. Thankfully there was no true emergency and all was ok. Child is now sure to have her key...God forbid if something did happen to me she could get in the house. Through Taffy texting Kristi, Joe found out all was ok. Wouldn't it have been simpler to just call our house directly???? I'm the one with damaged brain cells yet I figured that one out quite easily.


This coming Saturday following Pittsburgh's St Patrick's Day Parade is Joe's St. Paddy's Day Party (a larger event attendance wise than the Christmas Party). We've not been officially invited nor have we been questioned if we want to attend and how we'll get there. Kristi initially (when we first moved here) was told she'd be in the parade with her cousins riding in vehicles throwing out candy to onlookers. There's been no talk of that with her as Saturday approaches. She is going to the parade though with friends from school. Pittsburgh's Parade is 2nd in size to the one held every year in New York City so she'll have a blast. My Bro serves on the Parade Committee each year coordinating the cars and drivers for the Parade. As to the party, she may be babysitting that evening. I won't go (if even asked) without her as at 15 years old I don't like idea of her getting home and no one being here especially at 11 at night.


Have had fun this week with the tiniest "rug-rat". Lili has claimed a small soft rubber ball as hers and wants to play fetch on the steps with it. She will drop the ball at your feet and then wait for you to carry it over to the steps and throw it up to the 2nd floor. She'll then either smack it back down to you or carry it partially down and then drop it so it bounces the rest of the way. She doesn't get tired out either as I pray she will. If no one will play with her, she'll go to the basemernt steps and bounce the ball down the steps and chase after it herself. She makes enough of a racket so we can hear her and go check out what she's doing. She did start a new bad habit yesterday though by jumping on the kitchen counter. She's had her bottom smacked and yelled at but she's holding out to do it her way. Her way will be out the front door if she doesn't straighten up. Crystal as a kitten tried things but listened when she was corrected. I think Lili has some damaged brain cells or is missing a few (2 bricks short of a load, etc etc) Her saving grace is that she's cute which she hears daily that she's lucky she's cute. I ask Crystal to correct her and I get glared at. Kristi feels that Crystal would be lost without Lili as she loves Lili. Crystal glares at Kristi too when she says that lol.


Thank goodness I have the furballs as a distraction from the other drama.


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Guest lwisman




It was good to hear your update on Lili. I have been wondering about her. She sure looks and sounds cute. Cleo does not get on the kitchen counters when we are home. But, I have my suspicions about what she does when no one is around. Hope Lili realizes she could be in deep trouble if she does not behave. :D


We had workers here this morning finishing up the vanishing of woodwork. The shoe had not been varnished everywhere. Plus they vanished the piece of wood (can't remember the name) that connects the new hallway with the living room. I put Cleo in my bedroom (with me) and closed the door so she could not walk on the strip being varnished. She promptly went under the bed. This is her new favorite place to hang out and sleep. I put a cat mat under the bed for her. The bed skirt means she had a "hiding" place. There is also a register under the bed so it is warm.


I am sorry to hear that you continue to have problems with your family. Hope your brother comes around. I also hope Kristi remembers her key.



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Donna, sad that your brother is behaving like this but men on the whole don't like to feel like the meat in the sandwich. My advice is to carry on as if you and Kristi lived independently and start building up a base of activities to keep you busy. There must be plenty to do in that big city.


We once had two adopted kittens that played endlessly. One wanted a human to play with the other just wanted something that moved and that was hilarious to watch as we had a big tree that dropped leaves on a windy day and that cat performed moves that would have been the envy of gymnasts everywhere. What happy memories they give us. And a break from more complex relaionships...lol.


St Patick's day was my (late)Dad'd birthday to the delight of his Irish father so is a very special time for us too. But just go wild with the green food coloring and have your own party! Perhaps a Guiness or two might help...lol.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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Sorry bro is still being "standoffish" hopefully he will come around soon. John & his brother (the youngest) are talking again , since the trip to AZ. Lili sounds like a character. Our cat normally does not get up on the kichen counter.. she is fed in the laundry room on top of the dryer... to keep the dogs out of her food. She started to jump up on the counter one day, but I was standing there, and yelled what the he__do you think you're doing and put out my arm. so she didn't make it onto the counter. she looked at me like OOOPS... she usually lines up in the kitchen with the dogs, when john is carving a chicken..Happy St. Paddy's day.. John is part Irish and his b day is the 16th..

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I am sorry to hear your family drama,I agree with sue and say start living independently as if its only you two are living alone and start developing other friendships where you can get help from others if you want anytime. sometimes when God closes door he opens window someplace. I know you are fighter and you will get through this too.



your Lili sounds like lot of fun.




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i just read your recent entries about the family dramatics. your daughter is wise and very perceptive. it's nice to have kids who can see things as they really are. i've learned that you can't make people feel what they don't want to feel; and you can't make them do what they don't want to do. live your life the best possible way you can. when all is said and done, you are the better person. life is too short. have a good life, make your own memories, and keep moving forward. you have your daughter who respects and loves you very much and that's what really matters.

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