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A little trip to the hospital



Well Wednesday wasn't one of my better days. Around 10AM I was going to go downstairs because our cleaning lady was there cleaning, so I bent over to tie up the shoes when I felt something go pop in the back, no pain so ignored it.

About noon I had some back pain, so I told our cleaning lady and dear friend (Monique') I was going to go lay down and maybe it would clear up. It got steadily worse over the next 24 hrs., so bad I contemplated going to the hospital but by that time I couldn't get up or walk.


Called the Ambulance, and they had to put me in a scoop they called it, me on a backboard strapped to this thing, and they had to lift me almost standing while strapped into it to get me out of the bedroom and down the hall to the stretcher.

I spent about 30 hrs. in the hospital taking all kinds of drugs (saw worms coming from ceiling tiles) when on Morphine (sp?), getting different xrays done, getting no sleep because of two old ladys (dementia related) on either side trying to get out of bed every ten minutes all night( they finally had to drug them both around 3 AM).


I was released ( with nasty pain killers and muscle relaxants) Friday noon.


Still alittle sore but slowly weaning myself off the drugs ( still got some pain) I understand that the pain meds I'm taking right now are very-very addictive so that's why I'm trying to only use what I actually need (doing exactually what the doctor told me to do).. All this because I didn't want to buy shoes with velcro, nooooo I must have laces... I've up'd my walking to 3/4 mile daily (1/4 mile x 3 times a day), started yesterday. I feel ok today






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hi stu,


i remember that you mentioned having a backache during chat. i hope your back gets better! take things slow and easy so you can enjoy yourself on that cruise or trip to hawaii!

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stu, get the velcro, you will save yourself alot of pain and trouble. i'm glad you are feeling better though. be safe and well ,& careful from now on.

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