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A lot on my mind



The *wonderful* Pilates instructor that I found here in town has had a family crisis (her mother has lukemia & the chemo has shut down some organ function) and she can no longer work with me. I will truly miss her. She learned how to work with me (no small task there) and really challenged me. The improvement I saw was small but it was improvement!!




Bob flew in on Saturday and stayed until Tuesday morning. Although I took Monday off of work, the weather didn't cooperate for his nice long visit. Too cold and some snow on Sunday! We got a chance to have some really long talks. We seem to communicate well when we live in separate states ;-). It was nice to connect but we discovered something that is...upsetting. By talking it through, we found out that I have not forgiven Bob nor myself for me having the stroke. I don't forgive Bob for not listening to me when I said that I didn't feel well the morning of, he wasn't around when I had the TIA at the race, he didn't believe me when I was puking in a grocery bag. I don't forgive myself for all of the previous AND for not paying attention to the TIAs and for my body betraying me in such a way when I was so healthy.


We talked about what it means and how to forgive and we both decided to allow time for forgiveness. It isn't as though I don't want to forgive us, I guess it just isn't time yet.


That really is a tougher thing to discover than it sounds. As I read it over just now, it sounds very simplistic and harsh. This was a discovery that we found calmly and we discussed thoroughly. We love each other immensely, we just need to figure out how to get beyond this.


Thankfully, Bob said that he has enough love for both of us - he has enough love for him to love me and for me to love me. Perfect because I need it!


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Time is a great healer, and wisdom does come back into most situations eventually. Glad you and Bob got time to talk.


Remember that the stroke may have happen whatever you had done so try not to play the "blame game". Life goes on whether you are happy or not. Choose to be happy.


(((Hugs)) from Sue.

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It is great you two had the opportunity to talk and discuss your feelings. May I suggest counseling to help you deal with what has happened. If not counseling, journaling to get these feelings off your chest and out of your heart. Stroke is an immensely huge pill to swallow for any of us - it's not something you chose to happen to you. It was not something we stood in line to acquire God forbid. It happens and many of us and our families ignored the warning signs or the hints that something was occuring. As Sue said "time" heals and the blaming doesn't get anyone anywhere, especially ourselves. Believe me, I can say this from experience as I've played the blame game unsuccessfully.


You survived what happened, and have the blessings now of better health and a loving husband. Live for this day and tomorrow - hope you can find peace and be able to further heal.



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hey Sherri:


it will sound like I am preaching but I will tell you what worked for me I don't think that your or my stroke could have been averted but like to believe it was in my destiny. though stroke did bring out lot of other good things in my life, it brought me very close to my hubby. I realized what actually matters in my life, and I am thankful for that. just accept that it was in your destiny and make best out of what you got. bad things do happen to good people but at the same time you got lot of angels rooting for you in this bad timem, so forgive and forget, you will get peace.



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