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Only three days before I go on holidays. It is a bitter sweet preparation this time. In one way I am looking forward to it, the family reunion with my daughter and grandchildren, that is a joy. There is the peace of mind of knowing I can rest in bed of a night without one ear open, not having to hop out of bed and start the day whether I want to or not. On the other hand it is hard to know how to prepare. Am I going into heat, humidity and rain or balmy autumn days? Hard to tell until I get there.


And then of course there is getting all of Ray's packing done too. I know he is an old hand at Nareen now and they make him very welcome but he is still leaving home for a fortnight. He will be back in a room he is familiar with and our old friend will keep an eye on him for me. But it is still hard for me to part from him, I love him and want the best for him. I know I cope better after a rest so maybe this is the best thing I can do right now.


I saw Mum today. I didn't see her on Monday so maybe I saw her with fresh eyes and I realised how thin she has become. When I asked the nurse clinician to check the files for me she said Mum has lost 10 kilos in the past year. That seems a lot of weight to lose without it being a cause for concern but I have seen the other residents there do it too, it is a change in metabolism. She assures me Mum is eating well and that she has no real health concerns. For a change Mum clung to me, usually she is almost oblivious to my presence most of the time but not today. It choked me up. She was like those small scared children you see who cling to someone else for comfort. But when I left she was okay, having her morning tea and "reading" her magazine.


I have been reading an e-magazine on Alzheimers and as part of a survey they came up with the idea that caregivers suffer "anticipatory grief" over a long period of time and a "loss of autonomy". We all know that is what happens, we grieve for what our partner has lost and all we have lost because of the strokes. We also lose not just our freedom to be a seperate,self-determining person but often jobs, homes and in extreme cases everything we have. In the case of those whose partners have severe deficits or a mixture of deficits like the stroke/dementia combination in becoming a full-time caregiver the caring partner sometimes gives up the "right" to be a seperate person and becomes 24/7 focussed on the survivors needs, often neglecting their own needs.


I read as widely as I can, on the net, all the mags available at my doctors and any brochures or pamphlets I see on Stroke or Dementia. Here I read the posts, the blogs, the bios, the Newsletter Lin so efficiently edits and any other material I can get that might help me understand stroke and the effects it is having on Ray, on me and on our family. "Knowledge is power" one of our local colleges used that as it's motto, I don't ascribe to that theory but I do believe in the saying: "forewarned is forearmed" so I "arm" myself with as much information as possible so I am ready to face whatever comes along (I hope). I also share when appropriate the knowledge I have gained to help others, just as many do here. It is a comfort to be part of a world wide support group.


I did a couple of hours work in the garden this afternoon and you can hardly see any improvement. There was such a spurt of growth after a week of heavy rain a fortnight ago followed by a week of sunshine and the weeds appeared as if by magic and invaded every square inch of the garden. I guess what I can't do before I go will still be here when I get back but I'd love to have the time to get rid of them all NOW. That's another one of my faults, I want it and I want it NOW! My impatience is like an ingrown toenail, I have to keep on working on it all the time!


And so this may be my last blog for a couple of weeks. That does depend on whether Shirl brings her laptop home so I can check on the posts and blogs as I did last time I was away. That way the "withdrawals" will not be too severe. But I will miss you. I will miss knowing what is happening and also the warm support so many people give me. I really appreciate it so much. Of course I have some of that in real time too from close family and friends, but they are not available for a chat before breakfast ( I had breakfast and chat this morning) or late at night to help me when I can't sleep and come on to read some of the recent posts. But I will have the family and with a little bit of extra effort they should tire me out nicely.


In days long ago, we sent out "thank you" letters to those who had done us a service or given us a gift. It is hardly done these days but this is a "thank you" to all who will read it, for all you have done, or for just being there.


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hey Sue:


we will miss you here in our blogworld, your insight on stroke & its effects always eductes me. I live by motto ignorance is bliss and when things will happen I will handle it with whatever way, maybe I will need huge support from hubby but that's why we are married and together. I believe in if you don't try something new, how will you know whether you can suscceed in it.


have fun at your dtr's house and don't worry about Ray, he will be fine. we are not in control here.




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Guest lwisman




Have a good time on your vacation. The rest is well deserved.


I appreciated your comments about your Mum. My mother also had Alzheimer's, so I understand what you are going through. The long goodbye is very difficult. My Mother died in 1997, but I watched her decline beginning in 1985. She spent 6 years in a nursing home. That way she was safe. They were able to keep a watch on her 24/7. It actually got easier for us toward the end. She was too far gone to complain and be needy. But it was a bittersweet ending.


Have a good time and enjoy your grandkids!

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Hope you enjoy your well deserved vacation and time to recoup yourself. Ray will be well cared for. as you well know. It's not like the first time you've been away from him and I know you've made sure of the care he will receive.


Your blogs and presence here will be missed but we will await your return and an update on how the family is doing. Enjoy your grandbabies and know that you are loved by them and your cyber family.



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I am so glad you will have some time to get away and spend with your family. I hope you are able to just relax and take it all in, savoring the moment.


Don't worry about us...(sniff) we will...(sniff) be...(sniff) fine...(wailing now)!


Have a fun, relaxing, safe trip. And just pack everything, thats what Mom's do, or at least my mom.



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Hi Sue,

Enjoy your time with your daughter and family, relax, as you say Ray has been there before and they look after him well.


I have enjoyed reading your blogs and it has helped me in my caring for Bill.


Hugs Doreen :aussie:


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Sue, You might have already gone on your holiday but wanted to wish you well & hope you come back rested .

Ray will be fine as I know you already know. I identified with you reading all you can on Strokes Dementia etc as we all do, I guess I keep hoping for some major break through that will give me Baz back the way he was, of course I know that will not happen, but I still read all I can !!

Will miss your Blogs but look forward to catching up when you come back,


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I've been a little behind in reading blogs, and just caught this today. You are in the midst of your vacation and I hope you are having a wonderful time! I must say, it would be wonderful of the US had as much compassion for the caregiver as Australia has. We are so far behind in coming to grips with the actual cost savings to the government in a caregiver vs skilled nursing facility alone......


Do have a good time and I can't tell you enough how much you and your experience mean to me. Thank YOU for all you do!


Love to you and Ray,

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