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This morning Tootie tried out for Challenger Teeball :Clap-Hands:


With assistance, Tootie was able to hit the ball a few times :clap:


Of course, you know after practice, I went to Target and bought her

a foam teeball set so she can practice at home :lol:


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tootie is a girl that never gives up and wants to do all she can. what a spirit that child has. bless her heart and thank god for her parents and grandparents who encourage and support her.

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Donna and Kim; not meaning to brag but Tootie is amazing :blush:


She is young but has proven she is resilient, all the while maintaining a sweet spirit :Angel:

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Because of your blogs, we have all fallen in love with Tootie. She sounds so precious and your reactions are typical of a proud and loving grandma.



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it's so great to see Tootie is trying our everything and not staying in sidelines due to disabilities, I think that's why they say age is huge factor in living your life to fullest post stroke.


you all are amazing team




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Vi, I am in tears; your post really touched my heart! Thank you so much :thankyou:


Asha, our objective for Tootie has always been to improve her quality of life. We know there are things she will never be able to do but with assistance we know she can participate in as many activities as a

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Challenger ball is great! My friend's son is autistic, has been playing for years, and has really gotten a lot out of it. Enjoy every minute of how adorable teeball is. I'd love how no one would notice the ball in play because they would all be too busy sitting on the floor playing with the dirt or a kid would hit the ball and run to third instead of first, or when one has to go to the bathroom and then the whole field realizes they have to go. I know you have that video camera fired up...been there. She'll have a great time and so will you.


Maria :friends:

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We are so excited; Tootie is going to be on team

Treat n Go :)


But the practice schedule is at the same time as


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This morning we went to the Opening Ceremony; boy was it cold :cold:


Tootie received her green t-shirt and matching cap :)



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Well, we did find pants at Academy but no socks.


However, I finally found some at Target or as some of my friends call it, TarJay :lol:


I can't wait to see my Tootie in her full uniform :bouncing_off_wall:

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This past Saturday, Tootie had another game. My Tootie looked so cute in her full uniform :big_grin:


With assistance, she was able to hit the ball twice :Clap-Hands:


After her first hit, she made it to 1st base; on her 2nd hit, she made it to 2nd base :clap:


Every time I look at those children, I cannot imagine what they

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Yesterday we attend the closing ceremonies.


Tootie was presented with a beautiful trophy :cheer:


All the buddies (people who assist the children) were given a bag of goodies :clap:


Hamburgers, hot dogs, and sodas were served :pepsi:


They also served shaved ice (snow cone) which was very refreshing.


Every time I look at Tootie

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