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Today we met with a rep from Technology Access Inc. :)


We looked at the Say-it! SAM and were considering getting a Say-it! SAM Tablet :D


However, the rep stated she felt Tootie might benefit more from a Tango Communication Device :Clever:


We are hoping to meet with a rep from that company sometime this month.


I really appreciated the rep


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I agree Donna, which is why I was so impressed


:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


She really is in it for the children :Clap-Hands:


TAI gets a big :thumbs up: from me!

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We may only be cyberly (is that a word? lol) involved, but many of us feel like Aunties to our dear little Tootie. God Bless her for all she does and tries to do with the loving support of her family.


(((hugs))) to all of you.

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Oh Donna, you have me crying :Sob:


Thank you for your kind words :hug:


If cyberly isn't a word; we need to call Websters :tongue:

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elondie, i am sure our tootie will get better with her motor skills. look how far she has come so far, she can only get better. especially with all of her aunties here and family cheering her on. i pray she finds the right tool she needs to master this next step. please keep us posted on how she is doing. all of you are in my heart and prayers

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The communication device Tootie will be using at the clinic came in yesterday; I am so excited :thumbup:


I believe Tootie is going to benefit from its use :D


She was able to press the square, which activated the recorded message :clap:


Tootie will be using a Go Talk 9+ :Typing:

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it's great that tootie is slowly making great strides and making progress each and everyday! i don't think any of us can deny that tootie has graced our lives and is an inspiration to all of us. because of her, we have no excuse for not going the distance with our own recovery. tootie makes us try harder and do better. tootie is lucky to have a special grandma!

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Thank you so much for your kindheartedness :blush:


I have always believed things happen for a reason.


Had Taylor not suffered these strokes, I would never have crossed paths with people I now know.


I consider myself very fortunate some of these people have now become my friends!


I am also thankful I found this message board :cloud9:


I have found all to be so kind and compassionate :wub2:


We have been brought together for a purpose.


I believe it is to share and support one another in our journeys :console:


I am also inspired by y'all :cheer:


Were we to meet in person,

I'd embrace all of you :hug:


With much humility :I-Thank-You:,


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Yesterday, Tootie actually made choices using the Go Talk 9+ :D


She was choosing to drink or eat goldfish.


We will be meeting with an assistive technology device rep this Tuesday.


We will be looking at a Tango Communication Device for my Tootie :)

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We met with the Assistive Tech Specialist on Tuesday.


I was very impressed with the Tango device :thumbs up:


Tootie was so attentive :big_grin:


The device is intended to adapt to Tootie

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