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bittersweet day



today is a sad day for me but a happy one for my dad. he has decided to move from our family farm, 7miles out in the country into an independent living facility in town, where alot of his farming buddies are at and other lifelong friends. he was born and lived most of his life there. he is 82 and in good health. he has been alone since my mom died 3years ago. this is a good thing for him, i know that and am happy for him. all of us kids agree this is best for him. he didn't want to be in that house when mom's death anniversary comes up on 4-10. mother's presence is all over that house if you know what i mean. its just that i am sad at the same time. because that was mom n dads, and many generations of family's home, for all of us to come together as family on holidays or a visit. it just won't be the same anymore. i tear up just writing this. my son is driving up there tomorrow to pick up some pieces of furniture for me that dad wanted me to go ahead and get now. marc will just bring them out to me when he moves back to phx this month. my sister is going up to the farm next weekend to pick up daddy for a 4wk visit with them in tx and she will get alot of the stuff she wanted. mom had beautiful antique dishes from our families, cups, saucers and beautiful red glass stuff. the other stuff will go into storage i guess until my brother can get the rest of the stuff out to me. i am angry because i cannot be there to help because of this stupid stroke. i talked to daddy today and he is resting in his recliner watching his satelite tv, so he is happy and comfy. i cant ask for more. so many changes have happened since my stroke and i wasn't prepared for any of them. i want my dad to be happy for the time he has left and if this is it so be it. i am just sad that things are changing away from my comfort zone.


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I feel for you dear. It will be better for your Dad though and thankfully many things are staying in the family.


My family home had not been in the family as long as yours but it was difficult when my Dad decided to sell it. My Stepmom really didn't want to live in the first wife's house though - different circumstance but I was upset.

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letting go of things dear and precious is difficult. that house holds a lot of precious memories of special family moments for you. it's tough to see our parents get older, but they need to live in a safe and comfortable environment. the good thing is your dad knows he needs to make a rational and reasonable decision now. although nothing will take the place of memories created in that home, you have many lifetime memories and no one can take that from you. perhaps putting together a special family album/scrapbook with photos of special family gatherings celebrated in the house would be nice.
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hi kimmie,

you are so right, things change and it is hard to see it happening - even when we know it is for the best - like for your dad. i know you have a picture of your family farm - have you ever thought of just sitting quietly and writing down some of your memories? it would be something for you now to help process the change and maybe later for grandkids. you also might remember some cool stuff and want to share with your dad and sibs. anyhow, my thoughts are with you - i do so wish we had more control over the events of our lives - illusions never stop huh? take care... :friends: kathy

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thankyou all for your kind words and ideas. my sister is going up next weekend to start going through things for daddy. she also reminded me that this is the 1st time in 100years that no one has lived on the farm. that tells you how long our family has had it, but i have many pictures and memories that i will hold dear for the rest of my days. daddy is comfy and safe where he is now and doesn't have to worry about tornadoes and bad storms anymore, that is a big relief to all of us. the storm cellar there is not functional anymore unless you don't mind snakes. my son did go up this past weekend to get some things for me, now i just don't know where i will put them, lol. those pieces will definitely flood me with memories and comfort.

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