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the joy of a chilly, grey, new england spring!



it has been ages since i blogged and i really missed the satisfaction of sorting through thoughts as i wrote. even more, i missed catching up each week with my cyber familiy.

the move from florida to new england is finished complete with horror story about the moving company --but i won't bore you with details. we were blessed to find a great little one floor condo in a very small 55+ community. we ended up right over the cape cod bridge so i can no longer say i live on the cape but merely say the cape area! snooty! we did a lot of looking but the prices were way beyond our budget for what my husband kept refering to as " a dump". there are still boxes galore in ever room and nope, i have not unpacked my brain yet. actually i am just thinking of leaving it wherever it is.......in the mean time i am fighting my type a tendencies to get everything done, organized and perfect. i honestly wonder if i will ever learn.

i am so tired my eyeballs hurt - the move has really thrown me in all seriousness. i was doing okay in my small little florida world and then boom.....moving is what living in a wal-mart must be like. everything is new, nothing where it belongs, new people, doctors etc. i have been reminded and, quite rudely, of my mental and physical deficits. when i get right down to it i loved being in my comfort zone and i know i fooled myself into thinking i was pretty much okay much of the time.........this has beena bit like being confronted again with acceptance .......now i ramble.......

we have seen our kids, and our beautiful grandson connor, many times over the last six weeks and i would make the move again to live near our family.....why did we ever go to florida anyway.....ah yes, winter. well, winter is okay with me as long as i can have those connor hugs and kisses! cheers! kathy


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The unpacking will get done - my suggestion is to throw away your self-made timetable. You are but one person and can't be expected to do it all, especially post. I was always a type A personality as well; it has taken much getting used to and I constantly bite my tongue in my household.


Your condo sounds lovely - when you get the chance, pics in the gallery would be neat to see of the condo, darling Connor, and the rest of your gang.

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hey Kathy:


I was happy to see your blog means you are settling down. I feel blessed that I don't see boxes unless I tripover them.you should do things in its on pace I still have few boxes packed in our basement. your condo sounds lovely and soon you will be able to make this place as part of your confortzone.




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kathy, remember the old saying, rome wasn't built in a day. you will get it all done when you feel up to it. i am the same way but since my stroke, i had to let it go, it got easier with time though. don't let it get to you. maybe family can come over sometime to help you. you are over working yourself into a tizzy. get your self settled in first and enjoy your connor. your new home sounds lovely and you are back home again. thats a good thing. take each day one at a time. get some rest, be lazy if you want to. lol

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