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Hi there. I have been toying with the idea of blogging here for a week or so. So much has changed for me over the past 6 weeks or so. At 36 the last place I ever thought I would be is recovering from a stroke. But it is has been a capper to a year of change. Last May my wife of 12 1/2 years and three wonderful kids decided that we needed some time apart (We finally agreed to divorce while I was in the hospital). In September I quit using smokeless tobacco, an addiction that consumed me for nearly 25 years (yep since I was 11).


The stroke has been a mixed blessing in many ways. I know there are no such things as a good stroke, but not everything has been bad. I have learned that I have made many really great friends over the past year, and one in particular who is willing to accept me for who I am. Without her I would probably be alone right now. :wub2: I am very thankful for that.

I also know things could have been worse. I was fortunate the clot took the route it did. I am very aware that things could be much worse than they are. But now I must deal with my mortality and the struggles of day to day life with the limitations I have been dealt.


It is expected that I will eventually regain most of what I have lost. But I know, no matter how well I recover physically I will have lost the last of my youth. Now I really know it can happen to me. Hopefully I can figure out how to live with that.


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Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging - glad to see you took the plunge. As you saw, it is painless. None of us thought that our lives would be slammed by stroke in any capacity. With your lady by your side and your outlook, I'm sure you will go far. Remember NEVER give up the fight - we can't let stroke win.

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hey wilwildbil:


elcome to this wonderful world of blogging, I too stroked at age 34 4 years ago T peak of my career and didn't think it can happen to me, but it did. but I know for sure with your great attitude and your new love things will turn out great. I think everyday we are here it is blessings and our job is not done yet. I am so looking forward to your more blogs, In my depressing days I found out blogging was very therupetic.




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howdy bill,

congrats on starting a blog. i think you will always have something to blog about, good or bad. thats what it is for.i like all of you, never thought at 48 i would stroke either and i used to work with stroke patients. go figure, huh. its a terrible thing to happen to a young person especially. but you did survive and now must follow a different path in life. you sound like you already have, which is great. keep up your spirit and determination and you will do well. its great to have someone by your side through all of this. good luck and keep blogging.

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I had to respond again after reading your blog umpteen times. I think you are gojng through same emotions I went through after my stroke. what helped me most is realizing I am still the same Asha with now little added physical deficits. most important thing I learnt that this "newAsha" is really great prson too so what I walk little funny can't use my left hand yet(every stroke is different and everybody recovers differetly) I am still great wife & great mom. Now I got time to be team mom to my son's all activities. I won't lie to you it wasn't easy journey but is well worth journey. I realized later in my pursuit of runing after money I wasn't appreciating what I stll have. post stroke I realized I have married my soulmate and have wonderful son and prestroke I was sleepwalking through it. I am actually glad that I stroked, now I am enjoying my every day and making best out of my day. I love to be there for my family, my cmmunity, my family.

I actually love "newme" more than "oldAsha"




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wild bill,

after chat today i had to pop over and read your blog. what a super start! you have had many changes over a short time and stroke was the topper. i know you are having some real ups and downs but i promise you over time it does get easier. keep working on your recovery and try to think how far you have come --not how far you want to go. i am learning -slowly- that by trying to stay focused in the moment things are more bearable. i know you said you are not a patient man but you are learning. it is great you are grateful for the good things and people in your life. you are still bill and stroke did not take that from you. sending you a hug! kathy

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aloha and welcome to blogging! thanks for expressing your feelings. don't give up! stroke has taken away so much from all of us but we have only two choices - keep on being who we are or become someone else. i can tell from your first entry that you are a fighter, almost by nature. if you did not fight, and if you did not feel the things you feel, you wouldn't be you. whether or not you can move an arm is not what defines you. you are fortunate that you have your marbles, because THAT is what defines you.

things have changed, but you have not. the person is whole. the body is a facilitator. if healing seems slow, it is still progress. on the good days, be sure to remember that. and on the bad days, get pi**ed off and fight. you have a lot of people in your corner.

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Welcome. I'm sorry that we have to meet under these circumstances. I stroked at 34 at the best physical shape of my life (I had just began running, non smoker, low BP, good weight).


I experienced similar 'grateful' feelings that you are experiencing right now. Be aware that you may experience an array of emotions down the road. I am 2 1/5 years post stroke and have gone through gratefulness, anger, bitterness, etc. Know that you need to work through them all.


Good luck to you!

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