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Busy Weekend



First, thank to everyone for the great response to my first entry. It is always great knowing that I am not alone


It was a busy weekend for me. Friday night we went to dinner and the theater and saw Over the River and Through the Woods at a small community theater. They did in in "theater in the round style and used wooden platforms to raise the back rows of seats. Besides being uncomfortable on the hard chairs, I spent the entire play fearing that my clonus :bouncing_off_wall: would start my leg thumping causing a loud rattle. I kept it under control, fortunatly, but it certianly lessened my enjoyment of the evening.


Saturday we shopped. First, lunch at the Chick-Fil-A at the mall. Then Wal-Mart to pick up my perscriptions (which must be made of gold for what they cost) and a few other things. Then Wegmans (regional grocery chain). There, the wind took the car door from me and scratched the next car door. We left a note and went about our business. We then came home and emptied the car. While there the phone rang. It was the owner of the car. He took his car to a friend and he buffed the scratches out. No insurance claim :happy new yea:. With a lighter mood we finished our grocery shopping at another store. All I can say is thank God for the electric carts! I capped the night off by grilling steaks ansd potatoes for dinner :beer: .


Yesterday we went for breakfast at Cracker Barrel then off to Linnens-n-Things to pick up a new coffee press - Mine broke on Saturday night. The big deal with that...I walked around the entire store! :Clap-Hands:


By 9:30 last night I collapsed in bed and had a hard time weaking up this morning, but I have therapy and have to catch the bus soon. Maybe when I get home I'll take a nap! Have a happy monday eveyone




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Glad the weekend was good. It's amazing how prestroke we ran errrands and never thought twice about them. Now it's a different story and we become exhausted so quickly. I'm no longer the energizer bunny I used to be lol but then again I'm older than what I was pre as well :rolleyes: :silly:

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Bill, sounds like the kind of weekend Ray and I have enjoyed in the past, some fancy eating, a little shopping, and yep, had some of those minor scratches in the car park too!


Congratulations on your walking all that distance. Way to go! You put a lot of effort into it and it is starting to pay off. I like the idea of the BBQ too, we used to do that all the time in the better weather. Now our son Trev is in charge of the grill.



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It was nice to see your busy weekend, sounds like any previous weekends you had prestroke. your grocery stores, restaurents choices are similar to our weekend except our wegman is little further than my other favorite grocery chain. (shoprite). do you live in PA? you guys are pretty honest keeping note about cratching, lucky it was minor and didn't become insurance claim. I enjoy shopping at linen& things too.


I love reading blogs. from blogs I see glimpse of the friend. I love cracker barrel but they are very scarce in NJ. I used to eat there lot when I was working in PA. your blog brought so many memories.





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Guest lwisman




Congrats on a good weekend. Walking around stores can be great. Especially if they have wide aisles. :D


Have you explored the option of buying stuff online. I go to stores, but probably buy at least half of the stuff I get online. It avoids crowds. Many sites are shipping free, plus if they don't have a store in your state there is no tax. Can't beat that.


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bill, sounds like you had a fun weekend, good food, exercise, scratch and dent sale that paid off for you,lol. what more could you ask for,lol all that was sure to tire you out, now you can look forward to the next one, since you did so well. keep having fun post stroke. keep us updated on your excursions, ok that was very nice of you to leave a note too. are you parking in the handicapped spots,i hope. sometimes i think people expect little dings to happen with doors and getting equipment out of the car in those areas. i know i've made a few on accident with the door.

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