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Today it was back to therapy after the weekend off. Shelly had me try to sit on a very large ball. I think the CIA should use that instead of waterboarding. That was not fun, and I felt very uneasy at best. I had never had 'the ball torture' before. It did give me a good workout though. I did fairly well walking. A little further each day. I didn't wear my left 'clown' shoe (2 sizes larger than the right), so the afo started to hurt my foot. Back to the clown shoe tomorrow, and I pray no more big ball.

Teddy is doing really great. Sunday morning, I took him to the med room to get my meds. Kim wasn't there, so Nora gave Teddy a treat. He made a bee line back to the room, even ignoring Kim on the way. I went back to the med room to get my pills. Teddy would not have any part of that. He really growled and snarled at me. Kim finally said to take him back to the med room with me. That satisfied him fine, and he even got another treat.

It was almost hot today (about 75), but felt hotter. tomorrow it should be even warmer. Then on Wednesday, colder and rain or snow. I actually turned on the A/C today.


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The torture ball (good name for it lol) is to help with balancing. As we know, to be able to walk, you must have balance. The "torture ball" is used for that. Like all other things, you'll get used to it and it will be a breeze.

Hang in there. During my recovery, I've used it at various times. My last therapist called it the "boogie" ball as she had me do moves on it to the beat of music.

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well doug, that sounds scary to me too,lol i never got the honor of using the torture ball in therapy. but as donna said, the more you do it, it will get easier i would think. keep practicing. i bet teddy enjoyed his double treat day. what our pets won't do for a treat, lol. keep us posted on how you are doing in therapy.

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I would agree with Donna and keep on doing your therapy with torture ball, what worst can happen you can slide off but you wil have therapist there to help you up. all these therapies are good for you getting you out of wheelchair. Good luck with all your exercises.




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