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beautiful sunny day



supposed to touch 70 degrees today... perfect for puttering outside.


Dave had his check up post heart stents yesterday... on the whole it went very well. I think I might have annoyed the cardiologist a bit though. He told me Dave's heart was doing great all fixed... blah blah blah. ... I smiled and said that is great, but we were told the same thing after the bypass surgery in December 07, AND then i demanded an echocardiogram as proof!!! LOL... he did have the courtesy to smile and he understood my point. So in two weeks, we will get that done.


He also told us that we have to go to the VA today and deman insulin... Dave's diabetes is out of control which i knew... but who am I... only the wife and advocate and most times Dave thinks i over react so it was nice that the cardio demanded that he go this am.... also needs some other /stronger/ more antidepressants.... something because what he is on doesn't seem to be helping... when someone sleeps 15 hours a day because he is having a hard time with reality, its' not a good thing.


We also found out that Dave has coronary artery disease.. which i kinda knew but it just seems to really hit you in the face when you actually hear it... also has arrythmia (sp??) which i have been argueing about with since the stents were put in. Which he didn't have before and that concerns me ALOT. I also got all the records from cardio yesterday too so i will give VA a copy of them.. and then next week when he sees his GP i will hopefully be able to get straight answers.


So, on the whole it was a very productive appointment and left Dave in a good mood, which is rare these days, and therefore I will take it when I can get it. I just want some little part of my husband back personality wise......


Anywhoo... just thought i would drop a "blog" lol... take care all and enjoy the sunshine.






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Glad to hear Dave is doing better after the surgery and pray he continues to do so. Hopefully too, with sunny days, his attitude and disposition will also be sunny.


I'm glad the doc "demanded" Dave to get insulin - as we all know, diabetes is nothing to mess with.

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I was so pleased to see great report on Dave on this beautiful day. Hopefully Dave' suny disposition continues in sunny days ahead.




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anne, great news to hear about dave. he is so lucky to have you as his advocate. as donna stated his diabetes is a dangerous thing to not take care of. i hope his antidepressant meds get worked out too. dave needs to be enjoying life as much as he can, he has been through so much. maybe he just needs a good day sitting in the sun and feeling the warmth on his face . i hope you both have better days ahead. spring is here for some areas.

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