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Driving and baseball!



Spring, or maybe summer has sprung, and that has me getting a bit itchy. First, I would like to get out of the house a bit more, and when I darned well please. Around here that means climbing into the car and going. Well 8 weeks post stroke I am still stuck. I know some of you are now rolling your eyes and are telling me to keep my pants on. It's only been 8 weeks, why do you need to drive. Well in the month that I have been out of the hospital I have been on time to rehab exactly one time. I need that rehab to get my self back to work. Secondly, I really need to drive so I can spend time with my kids. There are lots of circumstances beyond the stroke that contribute to that.


On the up side, my doctor has given me the OK to get behind the wheel. Unfortunatly, I also have to wait for the state to give it's blessing I am hoping that happens quickly.


April also means baseball. I have gotten into the hbit of spending lazy afternoons listening to the Pirates (No Jokes Please!) while on the back porch Today was the first day it was nice enough to do this. Since I don't live in the Pirates radio reach I pay MLB for the privledge of listening online. I completed this purchase today. But MLB screwed it up and I may not be able to listen for a few days. AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!


Anyway, I hope it is springlike for all of you today (Sorryto those of you in the southern hemisphere where fall is in the air). I hope to talk to you all soon!


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I hope and pray you're cruisin soon. So, you're a Pirate fan huh? Cool - now that I'm once again living in Pittsburgh, I'd like to go to a game or two. Years back, me, my cousins and Aunt used to go alot - I've got a baseball autographed by many of the former Pirates.

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Bill, enjoy spring, it is fun while it lasts. Our autumn (fall) has deteriorated into rain showers. I know we need it but it is so nice to have fine and sunny weather and I am addicted to blue sky.


Sorry to hear of all your delays. I know driving is a biggie for independence. Any friends or family available to drive you to rehab? It is really important to go and get there on time and make full use of it. Of course Ray was never able to get his licence back (his reflexes are too slow) but he had me to take him. Not always willingly I might add...lol.


In the meantime repeat your exercises over and over at home. Might be nice to do them out the back in the sun if you are able to. It will give you something to do while you wait.



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good luck with your driving, mine we attempted after 2 years, not that I wasn't ready but hubby wasn't, and out of respect for his concerns I delayed driving, and being able to drive to places local made huge difference in my psyic. I felt more normal and more contributing part of the household member.



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bill, hang in there buddy, i know driving means alot to some people. here in ariz, survivors have to go to driving school offered by a local hospital to be able to get back on the road again. i myself did not want to drive again because i knew i wasn't able to. still after 6years, i still don't miss it. you are so early in the recovery journey, that is great the dr. gave you the ok already. i hope your wish comes true for you soon. enjoy your baseball games, thats my favorite sport too. keep us updated on how things are progressing for you.

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you mean there is another baseteam other than the red sox? lol! i do hope you get your driving privleges soon - until then think how much money you are saving on gas! kathy

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