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The dogwoods are in full blossom and the azaleas are coming into their peak. The weather is finally warming and we are now down to only about two to three rainy days a week. I think how quickly I have become spoiled by the short winters of the south and don't feel a bit homesick for snow!


I remember seven years ago at about this time I was hoping the snow of northern Michigan would be gone before Bill came up to visit. He arrived on the 30th of April - barely a week after the last of the dirty snow piles had melted! Forty degree weather was far different than the seventy degree days we expect here in North Carolina though!


We are having such fun watching the house. This past week the shingles went on the roof, the windows went in and the siding went on. I realized I'd made a horrible decision in the shutter color so now we have to figure out a way to change the color from navy blue to some other color without it costing an arm and a leg. I called our agent yesterday and he is going to do some begging Monday. We shall see. Everything would have been fine had the shingles been a blue grey. They are a green grey though and that just isn't going to fly with blue shutters and front door. I'm sure not going to change the shingles though!!!! The siding is so cool. The color "almond" is exactly what it is - not the almond skin, but the meat of the almond. The rough plumbing and electric work is done so now the interior work starts. I imagine the insulation and drywall will go in this week. Just think, we will close in just over two months!!!


Bill had two TIAs this week. Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon. He slept alot Thursday and Friday, a little less yesterday and woke up around nine this morning. He is "lounging" right now and was able to put an eight word sentence together. He also has commented on the television program segments and has asked questions about them.


I've been working on the toileting issue. I am accompanying Bill to the restroom to help him remember to sit down rather than stand. I think it will take lots of reinforcement but my hopes are high that we can accomplish this goal. It is far less stressful for me to help him than it is to clean up after the "misses". In turn, I am not as cross with him - in spite of knowing he couldn't help it, I was becoming increasingly frustrated. As time goes on I need to face the fact that my assistance will be needed more. Depends are also a life saver for both of us.


That's it for now, Kids. I hope all of you have a great and peaceful time - until I blog again!


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You guys have so so much to look forward to with the new house, Closing in 2 months - whoooohooo! Us nosey ones are gonna wanna see pics ya know lol.

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New season, new house and a new attitude! We know that caring for our hubbies is going to demand more and more so sometimes a fresh perspective on a problem can make or break our day. So glad to hear you positive.


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ann, the house sounds so nice with the colors you have chosen. i hope it all comes together for you, how nice it will be to get into it very soon. a new house for spring, how wonderful is that, both new and fresh. its great bill is so involved with all of this. sorry to hear about his tia's, though. yes we do want pic's of the house. i hope you both have better days ahead.

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it is so great that you can enjoy the process of getting the house done. it sounds lovely. isn't spring the best? take care -kathy

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