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Tootie said I wub you!!!



As I was holding Tootie, I was telling her; I love you. I usually tell her 3 or 4 times. She looked into my eyes and said I wub you :wub2:


I turned around to ask the others in the room if they heard what she said? They said yes, that


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It's great that Tootie told you those words, but I am sure you knew without she saying she loves u guys a lot. you all are fortunate to have each other in their life.




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Elondie, I read all your posts but rarely reply as you have a cheer squad of "aunties" here. I'd like to say how proud I am of you and your daughter for the way you make Tootie's world go round.


It is the parents and grandparents who organise the uniform, drive kids to the event, stay and cheer, go over the happenings afterwards etc that make going to sport, dance, drama etc so big a part of a kid's life.


You are a very special person to Tootie. I am sure Tootie loves you a lot, whether she can express it or not. I also know hearing her say it is just so WONDERFUL!


((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I'm crying on my keyboard.


Don't for a second underestimate Tootie and think she is not aware of every event you attend and moment you are there for her. She feels your love in everything you do and say just as we do here. She's always loved you just hadn't yet found a way to verbalize it.

I can only imagine how incredibly wonderful it felt to actually hear her say it and am so happy for you to have delighted in that long awaited precious moment.

Maria :friends:


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I'm having difficulties in seeing my keyboard and monitor :crying: at the moment (joyful tears). I agree to with what all the other "Aunties" wrote about your Tootie. Those words were in there just waiting to comer out. Bless her heart.

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elondie, i too am getting wet eyes here. our tootie is a wonderful child and i know she loves all of you and couldn't wait to get the words out herself. i pray daily for her continued improvement. i know you have waited along time to hear those words, they will now be said alot i am sure. god bless you and your family for being a great family for tootie to be a part of.

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i just started reading your blog. your dear grand daughter tootie is a huge inspiration to me! her progress happens because of the love of a special family. i look forward to reading more about her recovery and the joy she brings.

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Asha, we are very fortunate to have one another. I am so blessed :cloud9:



Sue, I'm so glad you stopped by! I love reading your blogs, you are very articulate :Typing: Me; well, I

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