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lady k


been a while since i have been on this site :forgive_me?: , everything has been fine just was a hard winter, the cold was difficult as it aggravated the spasticity, also this spring my allergies have acted up, not going out much didn't help fight the depression either so was caught up in the cycle of hurt to much to do much then depressed when didn't do much, now my husband wants me back with him and after much prayer and brooding i am going back, he wasn't bad to me and other than physically not being around he did what he could, he kept up medical insurance and kept the car insured plus provided me with a cell phone, yes he could of done more, i believe once we were separated it was easier to stay that way, he wasn't sure i would take him back since he hadn't helped enough, but what is enough, i was made stronger and less fearful by what has gone on, plus have a deeper relationship with God, what is so bad with that, i have more confidence than soon after my stroke, i have bio;t a good life through all the problems that has entailed have an extended church family, so in about a month i will be moving, back to Indianapolis, starting a new med for the spasticity, maybe will be better in the cooler weather there. also will be a chance of resuming some of the things i miss.


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Wow, big decision to make, both moving and moving back in with your husband. I hope that all works out for you.


But please keep in touch with your cyber family on this site, you need us and we need you. It is that mutual support that has made a difference in so many lives. If people leave then that support is lost and we are all poorer for that.


The blogs are important as a means of writing down what is good or bad in your life. Nothing like looking at something in black and white to really see it. And changed behaviour often comes from just seeing who you are, your pure self, in a different light.


I want to just say that you HAVE come a long way in your development and maturity. I think being on your own sometimes can make you firm up some of what it means to be YOU.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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You've been busy Missy - doing much planning. I sincerely wish for you the best as you deserve it. I do hope that you will still be able to remain in touch with your cyber family and let us know how things are going.


Please remember that we're always here for you - just a keystroke away.


You have grown a lot since we first met you - God Bless and take care of yourself.

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