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This is the place I intend on being completly honest with myself. No more making excuses or bargins with god. There are no bargins to be made. No more lies to tell myself. No more smiling and saying I'm fine everything is great. It's not lets face it things are a mess. lol Time to face the truth and face reality!


7/17/07 was the day life changed for me. So this is where i'll start.


Ischemic Stroke Left side Brain Right side Body. 47 year old female neuropsychologically evalusted. (that's me)


Diagnosis Vascular Dementia with Depressed Mood

Borderline Intellectual Functioning

Diagnosis Condition Deferred

Psychosocial Stressors Post Stroke Crying, limited physical fuctioning severe short term memory etc....

The disturbance is severe enough to interfere with her work, usual social activities and her relationships with other people. Serious consideration for long-term disability is recommended.


So that's what I was told on 4/25/08. They gave me the nessary papers and an appointment and its done. I fooled myself for almost a year but now it's time to face the reality and deal with it. So I will start here...............................




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I know I keep telling you this and I'm sure they sound like empty words right now, but you are going to be fine. The crying is normal and all part of the nightmare, but it goes away in time and your smile comes back. It takes a while but it really does happen, this is the hardest part.


Starting a blog was great. Keep at it, it helps to work through your feelings.


Maria :friends:

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Thanks Maria

my hope is that the blog will keep me honest with myself and keep me from slipping back into denile. I don't feel like your words are empty I was just in a state of total denile and n that was take away quickly on friday. I just want to stay in reality.


again thank you so much


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Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Reality for us survivors and our families isn't a bowl of cherries covered in yummy chocolate that's for sure.


Time does heal although at this point you'd probably like to throw us out with the bathwater. Tell you a secret... :secret: .....flip us off and give us a razzberry :nana: :thumbup: :whack: :whistling: ...we won't know it. It's ok to crawl on top of the pity pot now and again - just remember to get off and flush. We're all here for you - we've all been riding the stroke roller coaster and some days are definitely better than others. Even 3 years post, there are days that totally stink!!!! but those days are less than what was experienced early on.

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I was so happy to see you in the wonderful world of blogging. I know it's hugely therupetic. I stroked at age 34 left me left side paralysed, retired me from high paying job and put me at the mercy of others on feb 8,2004. I never knew life could be so downright bad, but after all mess was over, I realized I am still surrounded by lot of goodness in my life. I realized I have married my soulmate, and have wonderful son. after 2 year of crying and being absent from my son's life. I decided to take control over my life and started doing simple things which brought me ton of happiness, and that's what I concentrated on. fastforward 4 years and I am very happy, content in my life. I am now present in my own life at every instant. I will recommend once in a while start counting on your blessings in your blog too.



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:welcome: I am just going to tell you: Use what you have. The rest will make sense at some future date.


Sue. :friends:

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hey blue,


because we're survivors, we can understand all that you're going thru. i am reminded everyday of the things i cannot do and will never do. rather than dwell on those things, focus on what you can do and embrace each moment. i'm 18 months post stroke, but it feels longer than that. this is the life stroke left us with so we have to go forward and we'll all be here to rally around each other. we'll provide the support and strength necessary. you keep doing what it takes to fight back! remember to have laughter in your life, too! it makes a big difference.

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