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confirmed apt today



Went to see Ann today (my shrink) lol she always laughs at that. Its confirmed that may 12-16 I'll be in Houston in rehab to see it they can help me and give me some tools to work with when i get back home. Im looking forward to this. Im sure they have all kinds of info they can give me so i can use them at home. And ways to help slow down the vasular demenchia Ann really help me make it this far. Here goes the truth part I would have killed myself back in Feb it I hadn't met her. I was at the end, out of work for a year almost out of money. All my savings gone everything I worked for all my life. I was so tired and in such a dark place.


But... she took the time to explaine to me there are resorces to use. She gave me the info and set me up with tx rehab (state run). With out them I wouldn't have known how bad my stroke was. Sure I knew there was something wrong but not to this extent. Truth time (I AM DISABLED)


Some physically mostly my brain has some severe damage.


The nerologist gave me the results from all his test when I left his office.


Ann and I went over them page by page.....yes it's all true BRAIN IS DAMAGED my BRAIN


Today with Ann I found a peace my body seemed to relax and the anger seemed to melt away. I could actually feel it. So its time to start a new chaper in my life. Meet new people and have new experences. Im sure there will be bad days and i'll fall back a little but I will try to move forward everyday.


April 30. 2008 the first aniversery of my beloved grandmothers death. I miss her soooo.. No one could have loved her more that I did. She lived with me for the last 10 years. She was there when I took my first breath and I for her when she took her last. I can remember every moment of her last days. She died at home in here room with her bird petee and me by her side. How I miss her. I made sure she knew how much I loved her and I knew how much she loved me. I guess that should bring me some peace. I thanked God today for not letting her see me like this. It would have broke her heart. So I'm content knowing she is with him and I will see her again. When it's my time.

And not before!!!!!!!!!!!!


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blue, welcome to the blog world, i'm so glad you found some release with ann. its hard to accept what has happened to us from a stroke, but accept it we must and move forward. we can't change what has happened, just get better as much as we can. i lost 25% of my brain from my stroke from what my neuro showed me. yes good and bad days are ahead of you but you will get through them/ remember we are here for you to help you. how special it was for you and your grandmother to be together when her time came. i feel the same about my mother who i lost 3 years ago and i was not prepared for it. i was not able to be with her. i think of her every day and i talk to her too, i know they both are watching over us know. i get alot of comfort in knowing that. i hope you continue to improve in recovery and enjoy your trip coming up. i bet you will learn alot. hang in there and god bless.

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Thank you Kim


I really do feel at peace tonight Im so glad the anger is gone (for now) and if it does come and go maybe I'll handle it better


My name if sherry :big_grin:

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hi sherry,


telling you that things will get better may seem like a bunch of words right now, but it's true. we really need to take moment by moment. stroke has forever changed us all. it has left us to struggle thru the damage it did to us. while others may not understand what stroke has done, it's nice to know that there are medical experts who will work with us and can provide us with the proper channels to help us with recovery. it's up to us to work hard instead of quit. be patient with yourself for as lomg as it takes.

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I'm so glad and relieved that you have Ann yo help you with your angst and the emotion impact of this.

It's great that she put you in touch with the resources you need to enable you to further your recovery and get much needed financial assistance. See there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not the oncoming train.

You sound soooo much better already. You're looking ahead and sounding positive...something you hadn't done before. Keep up the good work!(((((((hugs))))))

Maria :friends:

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Ann is one of the many blessings you have - she's been there in your dire time of need and threw out the life preserver for you to grab onto. I'm so glad you grabbed it and allowed yourself to be reeled back in. Your trip sounds quite interesting and should prove to be uplifting for you. Life does go on after stroke dear and you're gaining the tools to help you do so.

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