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Being a bachelor isn't fun



Still a bachelor until May 13. Lesley is having a great time in New Zealand, all there is well apparently. Here, well the dogs still look out the window every morning expecting her to drive up. Soon Tippy, soon.


Some good news. Since the snow has melted, Tippy has become quite difficult to control outside. There is a winters worth of stuff to sniff and chase, minding me was not her priority. I have gotten an electronic collar for her and it has worked wonders. After just a day of use she usually only needs the tone stimulus, not the electrical tingle. Many times I now take her outside without the collar and she minds wonderfully. She even minds now if I call her in mid chase of a rabbit or something. I have used it for about a week now, and she even sits by the door waiting for me to put it on her when it is time for outside. What a joy to be able to walk outside with my dog without fear of losing control of her and her being attacked by something in our woods here. I bought the expensive variety, but so far money well spent.


The basement finishing goes on, major construction is nearly done, should be completed within the next few days if I can find the energy to get off the couch. Wiring and plumbing are done. The last major part for now is the knotty pine paneling in what will become a bedroom and the adjoining hallway.


As spring comes, the draw of the outdoors increases. A few days ago we had a beautiful warm, sunny, spring day. I spent the day outside with the dogs burning a winters accumulation of construction debris. Fishing begins in a few weeks, also Lesley and I will be involved in much bread baking in the outside oven, The Farmers Market will be opening here in a few weeks and we will be selling bread there.


I moved up to a newer, smaller SUV a few weeks ago for my fishing needs. The old one had over 150,000 miles and was 13 years old. Lesley has become increasingly concerned that I might become stranded in some of the remote areas I go to alone, and has been pushing me to get something newer. So, when this 2006 Ford Escape came along with everything I wanted on it and low miles to boot, I got it. I probably don't need the moon roof but I guess I can open it and look at the bottom of my canoe when I am carrying it!


I don't talk much about my stroke anymore. I still have "deficits", but have pretty much just figured out how to get on with what I want to do. I still have aches and pains, but I have noticed they usually go away when I get active. Taking a day off sitting on the couch seems to make them worse. I guess one of the worst problems I have is that I bleed at the drop of a hat because of the blood thinners I am on. With all the construction I have been doing there are many nicks and cuts all the time. I had to go to the Dr. yesterday for antibiotics because one cut had become infected. I wear gloves, knee pads, long sleeves, etc, to protect myself, but stuff happens. I always have band aids close at hand.


Anyway, as much as I am enjoying writing this, I am not getting my exercise done sitting here on the couch, or finishing the basement. So, off to work I go!


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George, great to hear that you are coping on your own and that Lesley is having fun visiting with her folks in New Zealand. I guess the temperature is dropping there llike it is here in Australia and she will be glad to get home to you.


I admire you for the progress you have made. I guess you do not think of being a stroke survivor as much as those whose lives have been changed more radically. Ray and I live with his deficits from his many strokes still.


Bleeding is a problem to most people who are on blood thinners and as you have found out you do have to be wary of infection. Fevers from infection can cause confusion to so no rambling in the woods in a confused state please...lol.


I guess you are looking forward to May 13th as the dogs are, when that dearly loved face will appear at the door.


Cheers, mate, from Sue.

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Hi Ho Hi Ho it's off to work you go....you're the 7 dwarfs all rolled into one. You're definitely keeping ocupied until Lesley returns home with your projects. Hope you get the finishing touches completed before fishing season and bread selling season is in full swing. I'm sure it will be done as you seem like the kind of guy who doesn't have the word "procrastination" in his vocabularly (Lesley is lucky lady).


Glad to hear your 4-legged children are doing well and that the "special" collar is helping curb Tippy's negative behaviors.


Thanks for the update - glad all is well - hope you can finish your projects with minimal injury to extremities.

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Thanks for the kind comments all. As far as walking in the woods in a confused state, well that is my normal state (just ask Lesley). Donna, I am really trying not to nick myself, so far today, so good. Thanks for the encouragement.

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