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i am NOT complaining!



here it is the 3rd of may and i have my heat on. this is our 4th day of gloomy weather! i am NOT complaining - i remember how i was sick of the contant sun and heat of florida. well that problem is solved for sure!

the most thrilling thing here is the arrival of the birds to our backyard. :happydance: i am very excited as i already have had a hummer come to my feeder. i think he is an early arrival - they travel solo - but he has been snacking faithfully each day. i also have a pair of cardinals,a pair of sparrows who appear to be quite smitten with each other and numerous gold finches. i am hoping - don't want to be greedy - that later i can attract baltimore orioles and maybe a carolina wren. i love watching the birds and am thrilled that we found a home where thet will come. now that i no longer have to rush off to work each day i find myself taking my cup of coffee back to bed each morning and watching the bird antics. :coffee: this is a small but very lovely side to not being able to work post stroke.

my grandson, connor, will be two this month and here we are back in the northeast and able to be part of the celebration. :happybday: he is develpong quite a personality now and his favorite expression is: "i do". now my only concern is, in a moment of (i don't know what), i volunteered to make his birthday cake. my daughter said he loves elmo - so elmo it is. years ago i took several cake decorating classes but that was l--o--n--g ago. now i find toast challenging. well, i have a couple of weeks to figure it out but already my stroke brain has kicked in and i am TOTALLY focused on the project. i drive myself crazy -- i have to remember to have fun with it not go bonkers over it.

monday i go to pick-up my new afo and i am hoping my ribs and such have healed enough to return to the ymca and water stretch class. so life goes on and i hope spring has begun to touch each of you.....kathy


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Well, Kathy, it sounds like you are settling in. I'll bet your grandson is adorable. He'll like the cake no matter who it looks like. LOL.


Today it feels like Spring here in Western Nebraska, but yesterday it was snowing and the wind was blowing. It got down to 24 last night. I think the lilacs may have been hurt a little and the columbine looks sick.



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As the creepy crud weather passes through or near here, I think of you. We've been gloomy the last several days with rain as well. Forecast is calling for isolated t-storms. A few nights ago we had frost warning. This coming week we're to be upper 60's and low 70's. I'll take it versus Arizona though.


As to baking - are you related to Betty? - Girl, you may have found your calling - Birthday Cakes by Kathy.



Enjoy your birds - tweet tweet

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My mother was also very much enjoying her feeder when she first moved here from NY 2 years ago until the fallout attracted every critter in her development and they ate her expensive newly planted flowers. In addition to her morning coffee and bird watching she called to moan about this daily so out it came. They are beautiful and very relaxing enjoy them and your refound climate. Good luck with your cake. I'm sure it will turn out fine. As long as it's red and as sweet as you, he'll be just as tickled as Elmo. Enjoy!

Maria :friends:

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We enjoy the birds at our feeders also.. my husband had a rubber maid... storage box to hold the bird seed... the squirrel chewed a hole in the side...lol we enjoy their antics too.


I think my body is re-adjusting...LOL i went from 34 to almost 90.. and then over 90 back to 40 in 10 days... Today was in the 60's and I had the doors open. supposed to go back to rain tomorrow.


I used to do cakes also they have the cake pans in various kids chacters.. Wilton's cake pans. usually kitchen or specialty stores carry them. maybe you can enlist someone to help you fill the icing bag ....I found a star tip that made 3 stars at a time..... or sometimes you can buy the "sugar" characters that lay on the top.... I know he will love the cake... my grandson is also named Connor, he was 5 in November.





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kathy, i cannot picture you failing at anything. the cake will turn out just fine. just enjoy the experience of making it for connor. since you are able to be with him now to celebrate his day. your birds are a added bonus to your days now. how lucky you are to be able to see the different species. i hope your new afo helps you to be able to get around better. you are making progress every day. enjoy your spring weather it does help our attitudes i think.

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