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To work or not to work? That is the question



So I am 10 weeks post stroke an doing better than you can imagine in many ways. 10 weeks ago I couldn't stand or pick up my left arm. Today I am able to safely walk and am using my left hand to to help type this (but not as quick or mistake free as I would like, but...). Well here in the States I have been covered by FMLA since my stroke, meaning I could afford my to continue my health insurance and had a guarantee my job would be there. Well, FMLA runs out after 12 weeks, and now the questions come. I am not so worried about the job, but the health insurance is a real issue.


As I have stated before, I am separated from my wife. She is the custodial parent. My support order requires me to provide health insurance for my kids, a requirement I have not minded fulfilling to this point. Taking care of my kids health is a high priority for me. Despite my rocky relationship with my wife, the kids are still the most important thing in my life.


So here is where I am stuck. I want to make sure I am taking care of my family, but am I ready to resume work.? I have a desk job, while normally I would be expected to be able to pickup server computers (some up to 100#) with help, I am sure that can be worked around. But am I ready to 1. resume the commute (still waiting on the state with driving permission)? and, 2 to resume the day to day stresses of my company. I work for a high stress company, and my skills lay in the customer service operations area which comprises 90% of our employees, and where all the stress is located. :ranting:


I have found that since my stroke that since the stroke I my brain shuts down in stressful situations. Dealing with my wife or receiving the FMLA notice from my employer have triggered this. I have managed to get through these situations with help and also by taking them in small chunks. I know that is probably my body taking care of itself, but it makes me wonder how I would handle work.


Over the past week I have needed to sleep a lot. Probably averaging 11 hours a day. Again, probably my body taking care of itself, but I can't sleep that much and work effectively. :tired:


Today I tried to perform a simple spring task I have done every year for years, cleaning fans. I have several that need cleaned, and it is (or at least used to have been) an easy thing to take it apart, clean it and put it back together. I knew it would take more effort today, but figured I would only do 2 today instead of all 6 or 7 like I used to. I was barely able to complete one. In fact I had to take a break about half way through, and frankly I am disappointed in the quality of my work, but I couldn't keep going to do it as well as I wanted to. It was hard enough to get it back together. If one fan can kick my tail, what will a conference call with an upset client do to me. :Tantrum:


So I guess I am going to have to lawyer up and fight to change our support agreement. This is probably the worst feeling I could have. I have always taken care of my family, and sometimes killed myself to do so. Now I need to admit I can't do it for awhile. My wife is going to fight me on this, I can just taste it. :whack: Hopefully I'm wrong, but she wants to protect her stay at home lifestyle (she works 10 hours a week) and she doesn't want my stroke to interfere.


Thank you for taking the time to read my rant. I wish I could feel better about this


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hey Bill:


going to work post stroke is real balancing act, you think you can go back but what if you go for little while and not able to perform and get laid off what will happen to health insurance for your kids then. is there somehow in your company they allow you to work part time, by going there part time you will realize whether you can handle work load before commiting yourself to full time and then all the other stress related with it. I tried going to my work for a year and realized I did not have drive or energy to go back full time so decided to quit though my circumstances were different I did not have to worry about insurance & stuff, I still have loving husband who takes care of all that, and I am now allowed to b stay at home mom and wife. you should consult with your attorney and try to ge that clause removed. yu did not ask for stroke to shy away from not paying benefits.



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Hi Bill,


How about trying out the work then on "part-time" basis. Very part-time - really slow and working yourself back into the everyday stuff. You may discover that it is too much for you plus you don't want 2 steps forward and a whole bunch backwards.


Your ex may have to remove herself from her high horse and chip in to care for her children. They are hers also you know. Life often does not follow the plans we devise - I know you didn't chose stroke

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bill, i have to agree with donna. things change that we didn't ask for. you can't help that. if you think you are able to try to go to work, try itout. make sure you talk to your doctor first, telling him exactly what your job entails. your ex should try to get the kids on medicaid. this would be the perfect time to qualify i would think. otherwise get a good lawyer who is looking out for you. good luck.

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You may want to contact someone at the Social Security Disability Office, they may be able to help you with going back to work, or getting anything you may need to do your job.


Also Department of Social and Health Services .. for medical for the kids for now... Most states have some type of medical aid for children, free or low cost.


It is not your fault you had a stroke, and your priority right now is YOU, getting back on your feet, etc. You should also talk to your Dr about what he feels about you going to work.. and how many hours etc...


I understand... if I try to push to far... it is just like your brain shuts off.. like a light switch.


If you try to push, everything gets worse.. and yes it is your brain.. telling you it is tired.


please get some help with these issues.... their is help available..




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