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May 12 - 16 I'll be away



I'll be going for a week May 12-16. Texas Assistive and Rehabilitative Services set it up for me. I am looking forward to meeting with the Dr. I have lots of Questions written down (so I wont forget anything). Maybe this will give me some answers. It been almost a year and this will be the only rehab i've had. They tell me I fell through the cracks. Well I'm going to try to make up for lost time.


I'm realy kinda afraid. I'll be alone for a week. Sleeping alone, I have my dog that sleeps with me and when I wake in the middle of the night scared her warm breath is an my neck and calms me down. Does that sound realy strange? Mabe but it's true.


I have someone coming to care for my animals and someone to get the mail. I have a ride to Houston and a ride home Friday.


I went to make copies for ssi and the rehab today. The truth hit me in the face. I worked in offices for years. BUT today I couln't run the copy machine. I just couldn't figure it out and started to panic. I kept thinking I know I have short term memory problems but this wouldn't be short term. Realizing it's more than just short term memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time I realize something else I can't do I start to panic. The nice lady at the copy store made the copies for me. She didn't say anything but I know she was wondering what was wrong with her. The sweat pouring down my face and Im shaking all over. I just didn't have the strenth to tell her a stroke and then go into details. I tried not to speak much so I wouldn't have to explain that I hadn't been drinking it was the stroke.(it get so tired of repeating the same thing over and over). If you looked at me you might not notice the droop on the rt side of my face, small drag and limp of my rt leg. Unless you spoke to me or asked me to sign something you might not realize. But once I've spoked or written something you would realize something was wrong. lol Some time I just say too much partying last night, some people except that easier!! And If I wrap my hand they wont ask me to write!!!!! I know I shouldn't do that but sometimes I'm just to tired to care. I'm just trying to get threw the day.


Sooo now I think I'm having panic attacks. Sweating,dizzy, feeling like hidding. Are you kidding me. Somtimes when I'm alone I want to panic too.


ok stroke was enough I realy don't need panic attacke too. :yikes:


Well I guess I'll just put that on my list too. I guess I should be thankful I'm here. All I can say is that I want more. I want to not be in pain every day and I want not to sob four hours a day for no reason. Id like to have great dinner and not choke on it. Is that asking too much. ok stop feeling sorry for myself Im here holding my dog and talking to you so I need to stop bla bla bla and get on with life. Be happy for the things you can do Sherry and get off your pitty pot! thanks I feel much better now.



so if your reading this say what ever you want because I wont know lol


but if you want to tell me I could use a different point of view lol You guys help me not take myself so serious and for that I thank you.


Till next time


Stroke Servivor




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I wish the best dear while you're away. Hope all goes well for you and that you receive many answers to your questions. Change is scarey, and you've gotten quite used to your status so the changes this week will take you out of your comfort zone. But your current status is not providing you with want you want, which is further recovery.


As I'm frequently told by my child...."suck it up Mom - you can do it".


At the end of your journey you will have lots to tell and we'll be all ears to hear.

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Dear Sherry,


Oh, how I can identify with you. Bill's second stroke was a hemmorhagic stroke and left him unable to read or write and no peripheral vision on the right side. He has no drooping of the right side of his face though. Strangely enough there is a droop on his left side, probably from his first stroke.


When people come up to him on the right side and he doesn't acknowledge them it is awkward. When he walks I walk on his right side because he's bumped into people so often. Some of my most treasured possessions are the letters he wrote to me. Bill had beautiful handwriting and I hate that he can't write anymore. It was almost a relief when he had that last stroke and at least there are now some noticeable affects.


I understand where your panic is coming from. I know there are strategies you can learn to help. I would encourage you (easy for me to say) to not apologize in any way when you need help. Stroke happens all too frequently for anyone to apologize or to ask for assistance. You have "earned" the right to ask for help anytime you need it.


I'll be anxious to hear how your therapy goes for you!!

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Glad to hear you're going to rehab. Try not to be anxious and worried...this is a really, really good thing. It will help you so much! As Anne mentioned you will also learn a great deal of coping strategies so that you won't get panic attacks. If you can hold off a few days take your paperwork with you and they will help you with it rather than overwhelm yourself. You don't need to go into detail stroke is more than sufficient.

Good luck honey, we'll be here waiting for you when you get back!

Luv and hugs,

Maria :friends:

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I am so happy that you are going for rehab there you wil learn lot of coping skills, all those skills are so important to be able to live happy life again. we can't wait to hear updates about your rehab. don't apologize or feel bad for your stroke or you, this is the card you are dealt and you are going to play your best.




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Glad you are getting rehab, I know you will work hard. Maybe you or a friend cantake some photos of your dog so you can have a photo of your fur baby with you. I now it's not the same as a real cuddle.. ( I have 6 dogs) and 2 kitties but a photo may help you ... I was gone for 10 days... and I sure missed the snuggles.



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